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Adrenaline-Pumping Gravel Adventure

A gravel cycling route starting from Cene

Get your adrenaline pumping on this challenging 52-kilometer gravel adventure through Lombardy's rugged terrain.


Prepare for an adrenaline-fueled gravel adventure covering a distance of 52 kilometers with a challenging ascent of 2079 meters. This route will take you through Nembro, Monte Ganda, Forcella di Monte di Nese, Albua, Aviatico, Monte Cornagera, Monte Cloca, and Gazzaniga, showcasing the diverse landscapes and natural beauty of Lombardy. Expect steep climbs, thrilling descents, and breathtaking vistas along the way.

52 km
2079 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Cene Village center
Cene: Exploring diverse cycling routes in Cene.
Cene, located in Lombardy, Italy, is a must-visit for cyclists. The area boasts a wide range of cycling routes, from flat paths along the Brembo river to challenging climbs through the mountains. Cyclists can explore the famous climb of Colle dei Pasta or ride along scenic Lake Endine. Cene offers stunning landscapes and excellent cycling infrastructure, providing riders with a memorable and enjoyable experience.
Nembro is a charming village surrounded by beautiful countryside and stunning vistas.
Monte Ganda698 mPeak
Monte Ganda offers an exhilarating off-road section with stunning views at the summit.
Forcella di Monte di Nese870 mMountain Pass
Forcella di Monte di Nese provides a thrilling descent with technical sections.
Algua is a hidden gem known for its breathtaking views and challenging terrain.
Aviatico is a charming village surrounded by lush greenery and stunning mountains.
Monte Cornagera1311 mPeak
Monte Cornagera offers a challenging climb with rewarding panoramic views.
Monte Cloca584 mPeak
Monte Cloca boasts stunning rugged landscapes and a sense of remoteness.
Gazzaniga is a beloved cycling spot famous for its picturesque scenery and challenging ascents.
Finish: Cene Village center
Cene: Exploring diverse cycling routes in Cene.

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