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Charming countryside and peaceful atmosphere.

Cycling routes from Cernusco Lombardone

Cernusco Lombardone, located in Lombardia, Italy, offers a wonderful cycling experience. The town is surrounded by charming countryside and scenic routes, making it perfect for road and gravel cyclists. The lush green landscapes and peaceful atmosphere create an enjoyable cycling environment. While there may not be any notable famous cycling spots in the immediate vicinity, Cernusco Lombardone offers plenty of opportunities for exploration and leisurely rides.

Cycle through the charming towns of Sulbiate and Agrate Brianza

44 km
238 m

Experience the picturesque cityscape of Lombardia as you ride through the beautiful towns of Sulbiate and Agrate Brianza. This route offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape and highlights the rich cultural heritage of the region. With a moderate difficulty level, it is perfect for well-trained amateur cyclists seeking a scenic ride.

Experience the beauty of Adda River on this road cycling adventure

91 km
322 m

Embark on a road cycling adventure around the scenic Adda River. With a total distance of 91 km and an ascent of 322 m, this route is suitable for intermediate cyclists seeking a diverse and exciting ride. Highlights: - Monte Robbio (score: 1): Although Monte Robbio may not be a main highlight, the scenic views of the Adda River and surrounding nature along the route are truly breathtaking. - Trezzo sull'Adda (score: 3): Discover the historic town of Trezzo sull'Adda, known for its iconic fortress. Explore the narrow streets and listen to the fascinating tales of this ancient town. - Cassano d'Adda (score: 3): Make a stop at Cassano d'Adda and enjoy the beauty of this riverside town. Explore the local attractions and immerse yourself in the relaxed atmosphere. - Paullo (score: 2): Experience the charm of Paullo and soak in the peaceful ambiance of this small town. Enjoy the picturesque views of the surrounding countryside. - Carnate (score: 4): Visit the beautiful town of Carnate and admire its historic architecture. Take a break and discover the local culture and traditions. Overall, this road cycling adventure offers a great mix of natural beauty and cultural exploration. The route along the Adda River provides stunning views and a diverse landscape, making it a memorable experience for intermediate cyclists.

Immerse yourself in the rural charms of Lombardia

38 km
506 m

Immerse yourself in the rural charms of Lombardia on this gravel route that allows you to explore picturesque countryside landscapes. Cycle through the quaint town of Santa Maria Hoè, known for its charming streets and traditional architecture. Continue your journey to Olginate and take in the breathtaking views of the surrounding nature. With a moderate difficulty level, this route is suitable for cyclists looking to escape the city and embrace the tranquility of the countryside.

Discover the historical landmarks of Lombardia on this gravel route

93 km
479 m

Embark on a journey through history with this gravel route that takes you to various historical landmarks in Lombardia. Visit Monte Robbio, a hill known for its ancient ruins and historical significance. Explore the charming town of Paderno d'Adda and marvel at its well-preserved medieval architecture. Cycle through Trezzo sull'Adda, home to a magnificent castle. With opportunities to explore Cassano d'Adda and Merate, this route offers an immersive historical experience for cyclists interested in culture and heritage.

Conquer challenging climbs and enjoy panoramic views of Monte Goi

99 km
912 m

Embark on a mountainous adventure with this challenging route that takes you through Lesmo, Seveso, and Bulgarograsso. Prepare for steep ascents and thrilling descents as you make your way to the breathtaking Punto Panoramico Monte Goi. This epic route is recommended for experienced cyclists looking for a true test of their skills.

Embark on an exciting gravel adventure through Lombardia

88 km
309 m

Discover the thrill of off-road cycling with this gravel route in Lombardia. With a distance of 88 km and an ascent of 309 m, this route is suitable for experienced gravel riders. Enjoy the varied terrain as you traverse through scenic landscapes and charming towns. Highlights: - Cornate d'Adda (score: 3): Marvel at the stunning views of Cornate d'Adda as you cycle through this charming town. Take a moment to appreciate the natural beauty of the area. - Basiano (score: 3): Stop by Basiano and discover its hidden gems. Enjoy the local culture, try traditional cuisine, and immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of this town. - Pozzuolo Martesana (score: 4): Explore the historic town of Pozzuolo Martesana, known for its impressive architecture and cultural heritage. Take in the sights and learn about its rich history. - Peschiera Borromeo (score: 3): Experience the charm of Peschiera Borromeo, a town surrounded by beautiful countryside. Enjoy the tranquility and discover the local attractions. - Monza (score: 5): Visit Monza, home to the famous Monza Circuit. Marvel at the speedway and soak in the excitement of this renowned motorsport destination. - Osnago (score: 4): Discover the picturesque town of Osnago. Take a break and enjoy the peaceful ambiance of this hidden gem. Overall, this gravel adventure offers a thrilling experience, combining the excitement of off-road cycling with the serene beauty of Lombardia. The varied terrain and scenic landscapes make it a perfect choice for experienced gravel riders looking for a memorable cycling experience.

Ride through picturesque landscapes in Lombardia

85 km
269 m

Explore the beautiful region of Lombardia on this scenic road cycling route. With a total distance of 85 km and an ascent of 269 m, this route is suitable for intermediate cyclists. Experience the charm of Cornate d'Adda, Pioltello, and Lomagna as you pedal through the stunning countryside. Highlights: - Cornate d'Adda (score: 4): Visit the historic town of Cornate d'Adda, known for its charming streets and beautiful architecture. Learn about the town's rich history and enjoy the picturesque views along the route. - Paullo (score: 3): Make a stop at Paullo and explore the local attractions. Admire the beautiful landscapes and soak in the peaceful ambiance of this charming town. - Pioltello (score: 3): Discover Pioltello, a town filled with historic landmarks and cultural attractions. Enjoy the quaint atmosphere and take in the scenic beauty of the surroundings. - Lomagna (score: 4): Experience the rural charm of Lomagna. Take a break and explore the local shops and cafes, or simply enjoy the peaceful setting of this small town. Overall, this road cycling route offers a great mix of natural beauty and cultural exploration. The relatively flat terrain makes it suitable for intermediate cyclists looking for a scenic ride.

Venture into the countryside of Lombardia on this scenic gravel route

93 km
1036 m

Escape the urban hustle and venture into the delightful countryside of Lombardia on this scenic gravel route. With a moderate difficulty level, it offers a perfect balance between challenging terrains and breathtaking landscapes. Explore picturesque towns like Triuggio and enjoy the tranquil ambiance of Lentate sul Seveso. This route is ideal for gravel enthusiasts seeking a unique off-road adventure.

Conquer the Bergamo Hills and experience legendary cycling

61 km
537 m

Embark on a challenging road cycling route through the legendary Bergamo Hills. With a distance of 61 km and an ascent of 537 m, this route is suitable for highly trained cyclists seeking a thrilling adventure. Highlights: - Cisano Bergamasco (score: 3): Visit the enchanting town of Cisano Bergamasco and immerse yourself in its captivating atmosphere. Enjoy the panoramic views and explore the local attractions. - Col Scarlasc (score: 3): Conquer the famous ascent of Col Scarlasc and experience the thrill of climbing in the majestic Bergamo Hills. - Almenno San Bartolomeo (score: 4): Discover the historic town of Almenno San Bartolomeo and admire its impressive architecture. Take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the surroundings. - Collina di Vigna (score: 3): Ride through the picturesque landscapes of Collina di Vigna and enjoy the peaceful ambiance. Take in the stunning views and immerse yourself in the tranquility of nature. - Bergamo (score: 5): Visit the vibrant city of Bergamo, known for its rich history and cultural heritage. Explore the charming old town and experience the unique blend of medieval and modern architecture. - Monte Gussa (score: 4): Conquer the challenging ascent of Monte Gussa and enjoy the breathtaking views from the top. Feel the sense of accomplishment as you reach the summit. - Chignolo d'Isola (score: 4): Explore the picturesque town of Chignolo d'Isola, nestled in the beautiful Bergamo Hills. Discover its hidden gems and soak in the serenity of this peaceful location. - Monte Robbio (score: 4): Marvel at the panoramic vistas of Monte Robbio as you ride through the stunning Bergamo Hills. Experience the beauty of nature and feel the connection with the cycling legends who have conquered this iconic climb. Overall, this Bergamo Hills Challenge offers a truly epic experience for highly trained cyclists. The steep climbs and breathtaking views make it a memorable journey through the legendary cycling landscapes of Lombardia.

Take on the gravel challenge in Lombardia's rugged landscapes

83 km
413 m

Embark on a challenging gravel route through the rugged landscapes of Lombardia. With a total distance of 83 km and an ascent of 413 m, this route is suitable for experienced gravel riders. Test your skills as you ride through diverse terrains and discover hidden gems along the way. Highlights: - Monte Robbio (score: 2): Enjoy the scenic views of Monte Robbio as you tackle the challenging terrain. Admire the panoramic vistas and feel the thrill of conquering this gravel climb. - Mozzo (score: 3): Explore the charming town of Mozzo and immerse yourself in the authentic atmosphere. Discover the local culture and enjoy a well-deserved break. - Comun Nuovo (score: 3): Stop by Comun Nuovo and experience the beauty of this small town. Admire the traditional architecture and take in the peaceful surroundings. - Capriate San Gervasio (score: 4): Discover the hidden gem of Capriate San Gervasio. Experience the authentic Italian culture and admire the beautiful landscapes surrounding the town. - Cornate d'Adda (score: 4): Visit the charming town of Cornate d'Adda and experience its historical and cultural significance. Take in the beauty of the scenic countryside. - Paravino (score: 3): Explore Paravino, a small village known for its picturesque charm. Enjoy the tranquility and immerse yourself in the peaceful ambiance. Overall, this gravel challenge offers an exciting and demanding ride through Lombardia's rugged landscapes. The diverse terrains and hidden gems along the route make it a thrilling and rewarding experience for experienced gravel cyclists.

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