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Picturesque cycling routes with nearby challenging climbs

Cycling routes from Merate

Merate, located in Lombardia, Italy, is a charming locality with excellent cycling routes. The rolling hills and vineyards of Merate create a picturesque backdrop for road and gravel cyclists. A popular nearby cycling destination is Resegone, known for its challenging climb and magnificent views at the summit. Cyclists can also explore the surrounding nature reserves and lakes, adding to the scenic appeal of Merate as a cycling destination. With its beauty and variety of routes, Merate is a cyclist's paradise.

Escape the city and embark on a thrilling gravel adventure through the stunning Brianza region.

89 km
564 m

The Brianza Gravel Adventure is an 89km off-road cycling route starting near Merate, Lombardia. This route offers breathtaking landscapes and challenging terrain, with highlights including Arcore, Sesto San Giovanni, and Montevecchia. Cyclists will also pass through the charming towns of Senago and Cesano Maderno. The difficulty level of this route is moderate to challenging, suitable for experienced cyclists seeking an adrenaline-pumping adventure. With its epic gravel sections and scenic beauty, this route is perfect for those looking for a memorable outdoor cycling experience in the Brianza region.

Cycle through Lombardia's idyllic countryside and scenic river paths

56 km
355 m

Immerse yourself in the beauty of Lombardia's countryside with this gravel route that covers a distance of 56 kilometers and features a total ascent of 355 meters. Perfect for intermediate riders, this ride offers a mix of challenging terrain and serene landscapes. Begin in Robbiate and pedal through gently rolling hills as you pass by quaint villages like Capriate San Gervasio. Enjoy highlights such as Trezzo sull'Adda, renowned for its impressive historical sites including the iconic Visconteo Castle. Pause in Cornate d'Adda to explore its picturesque streets and soak in the tranquil atmosphere. Conclude your journey in Paderno d'Adda, where you can appreciate the idyllic riverside scenery.

An exhilarating ride through the stunning Lombardia region, encompassing challenging climbs and breathtaking views.

138 km
2497 m

Embark on this thrilling road cycling journey in Lombardia, Italy. Explore the picturesque landscape while conquering impressive ascents and admiring the region's rich natural beauty. This route promises a challenging yet rewarding experience for cyclists of all levels.

Traverse the Lario Hills and enjoy the beautiful landscapes along the way.

81 km
494 m

The Lario Hills Road Trip is an 81km road cycling route starting near Merate, Lombardia. This route offers scenic views of the surrounding hills and highlights include Arcore, Limbiate, Barlassina, and Barzago. Cyclists will also pass through the town of Merate, where the route starts and ends. The difficulty level of this route is moderate, suitable for well-trained amateurs. With its picturesque countryside and charming towns, this route is perfect for those seeking a peaceful and enjoyable cycling experience in the Lombardy region.

Discover the charming town of Cisano Bergamasco and picturesque landscapes along the route.

89 km
493 m

The Bergamasco Loop is an 89km road cycling route that starts near Merate, Lombardia. This route offers scenic views of the countryside, with highlights including the Collina di Vigna, Trezzo sull'Adda, and Cornate d'Adda. Cyclists will also pass through the charming towns of Almenno San Bartolomeo and Seriate. The difficulty level of this route is moderate, suitable for well-trained amateurs. With its beautiful scenery and historic landmarks, this route is perfect for those looking for an enjoyable and memorable cycling experience.

Embark on an adventurous gravel ride, exploring the Monte Robbio and beautiful landscapes.

81 km
434 m

The Robbio Gravel Route is an 81km off-road cycling adventure near Merate, Lombardia. This route offers a mix of challenging terrain and breathtaking scenery, with highlights including the Monte Robbio, Ponte San Pietro, and Bergamo. Cyclists will also pass through the charming town of Grassobbio. The difficulty level of this route is moderate, suitable for well-trained amateurs. With its exhilarating gravel paths and stunning views, this route is perfect for those seeking a thrilling outdoor cycling experience in the Lombardy region.

Embark on an adrenaline-fueled gravel adventure in the beautiful countryside

39 km
606 m

The Gravel Adventure is a thrilling ride through stunning landscapes and challenging terrain. With a difficulty level of 3 and a distance of 39 km, it is perfect for adventurers looking for a short but intense cycling experience. Highlights include Terrazza Belvedere, Barzanò,and Merate.

Take on the Lombardia Gravel Challenge and conquer the rugged terrain of Cernusco Lombardone.

66 km
672 m

The Lombardia Gravel Challenge is a 66km off-road cycling route near Merate, Lombardia. This challenging route includes highlights such as Triuggio, Meda, and Cassago Brianza. Cyclists will also pass through the picturesque village of Carugo. The difficulty level of this route is high, suitable for experienced riders seeking a tough gravel challenge. With its rugged terrain, stunning scenery, and historic landmarks, this route is perfect for those looking for an adventurous and thrilling cycling experience in Lombardy.

Explore the rural and peaceful landscapes of Lombardia

83 km
471 m

Embark on a challenging yet rewarding cycling journey through the beautiful region of Lombardia. This gravel adventure takes you through picturesque towns, rolling hills, and stunning natural landscapes. With a total ascent of 471 meters and covering a distance of 83 kilometers, this route is suitable for well-trained amateurs seeking an exciting challenge. Enjoy highlights such as Monte Robbio, known for its panoramic views, and the historic town of Bergamo. The route also passes by charming towns like Ponte San Pietro, Grassobbio, and Cologno al Serio. Experience the serene beauty of the Adda River with stops at Pontirolo Nuovo and Trezzo sull'Adda before concluding the journey in Merate, where you began.

Cycling through the picturesque towns of Lombardia

116 km
578 m

Experience the beauty of Lombardia as you pedal through quaint towns and enjoy stunning views along the way. This challenging route will take you past iconic landmarks and offer a glimpse into the region's rich history and culture.

Cycling routes nearby:

Image of Robbiate

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Image of Cernusco Lombardone
Cernusco Lombardone

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Image of Paderno d'Adda
Paderno d'Adda

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Image of Imbersago

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Image of Ronco Briantino
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Image of Quattro Strade
Quattro Strade

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Image of Calusco d'Adda
Calusco d'Adda

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Image of Calco

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