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Hills and Valleys Road Cycling Tour

A road cycling route starting from Cesano Maderno

Conquer the challenging hills of Lombardia


Embark on a challenging road cycling adventure with this 91 km route near Cesano Maderno. With a demanding ascent of 700m, it is suitable for experienced cyclists seeking a test of endurance. Traverse through picturesque villages such as Gerenzano and admire the stunning views from the top of Monte Morone.

91 km
700 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Molinello Village center
Cesano Maderno: Diverse cycling routes near major attractions.
Cesano Maderno is a lovely locality located in the Lombardia region of Italy. For cyclists, Cesano Maderno offers a mix of flat and hilly terrain, perfect for both road and gravel riding. The town itself has a charming atmosphere, with vibrant streets and historic architecture. While there aren't any renowned climbs directly nearby, Cesano Maderno is conveniently located near major cycling routes that lead to iconic destinations like Lake Como and the Alps. Cycling enthusiasts can explore the picturesque countryside and enjoy the scenic beauty of the region. Overall, Cesano Maderno provides a pleasant and diverse cycling experience.
Cesano MadernoTown
Cesano Maderno, the starting point of this route, is a picturesque town with well-preserved buildings and charming narrow streets.
Gerenzano offers picturesque countryside views and interesting architectural features, such as the Palazzo Braghenti and the Church of Sant'Andrea.
Tradate is a historic town with beautiful architectural landmarks, including the Church of San Martino and the Cascina Santa Caterina.
Monte Morone497 mPeak
Monte Morone offers a challenging climb with breathtaking panoramic views. The summit rewards cyclists with sweeping vistas of the surrounding Lombardy region.
Chiasso, located just across the border in Switzerland, provides a unique cultural experience with its blend of Italian and Swiss influences.
Sasso di Cavallasca614 mPeak
Sasso di Cavallasca is a renowned cycling spot that boasts challenging ascents and spectacular views over Lake Como and the surrounding Alps.
Meda is a vibrant town with historical monuments, such as the Palazzo Arese Borromeo, and picturesque streets lined with elegant houses.
Finish: Molinello Village center
Cesano Maderno: Diverse cycling routes near major attractions.

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