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Historical Route from Corbetta to Novara

A road cycling route starting from Corbetta

Cycle through history and culture from Corbetta to Novara


This route takes you on a historical journey through Lombardia, starting from Corbetta and ending in Novara. Along the way, you'll pass by Terdobbiate, Monticello, San Pietro Mosezzo, Turbigo, and finally arrive in Novara. The route offers a rich cultural experience, as you'll have the opportunity to see beautiful historical landmarks and charming small towns. The total distance is 99 km with a total ascent of 157 meters.

99 km
157 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Corbetta City center
Corbetta: Scenic rides through charming streets and peaceful countryside.
Corbetta is a delightful town situated in the Lombardia region of Italy. As a cyclist, Corbetta offers a mixture of flat terrain and gentle slopes, suitable for both road and gravel cycling. The town itself is picturesque, with narrow streets and historical landmarks to explore. Although there are no famous climbs nearby, Corbetta is a great starting point for longer rides in the surrounding countryside. With plenty of cafes and resting spots along the way, cyclists can enjoy the scenic beauty of the region while taking breaks. Overall, Corbetta provides a relaxed and enjoyable cycling experience for riders of all levels.
Terdobbiate is a picturesque village known for its traditional Italian charm.
Monticello is a historic town with stunning architecture and beautiful views.
San Pietro MosezzoVillage
San Pietro Mosezzo is a quaint village with a charming main square.
Novara is a fascinating city with a rich history and vibrant cultural scene.
Turbigo is home to the picturesque Ticino River, famous for its clear waters and scenic beauty.
Corbetta is a charming town with a rich historical heritage.
Finish: Corbetta City center
Corbetta: Scenic rides through charming streets and peaceful countryside.