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Discover the Charm of Lodi Vecchio

A road cycling route starting from Dresano

Experience the charm of the historic town of Lodi Vecchio


This road cycling route is a scenic journey that starts near Dresano and takes you through picturesque landscapes. The route covers a distance of 55 km and has an ascent of 63 m, making it suitable for cyclists of varying skill levels. The highlight of the ride is Lodi Vecchio, a historic town known for its charming streets and well-preserved medieval buildings. Other highlights include Torre d'Arese and Melegnano, both offering unique attractions and cultural heritage. Overall, this route provides a delightful cycling experience with a touch of history and local charm.

55 km
63 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Dresano Village center
Dresano: Limited cycling locality in Lombardia, Italy, with access to Parco Dell'Adda Nord and Adda River cycle path.
Dresano, located in Lombardia, Italy, offers limited cycling opportunities for road and gravel cyclists. The locality has limited dedicated cycling routes and mainly consists of urban areas. While Dresano may not be the most exciting cycling destination, the nearby Parco Dell'Adda Nord serves as a recreational area for outdoor activities. Cyclists can also explore the Adda River cycle path, perfect for leisurely rides. Dresano is suitable for cyclists seeking a quieter environment with access to nearby natural areas.
Lodi VecchioVillage
Lodi Vecchio is a historic town known for its well-preserved medieval buildings and narrow streets. Take some time to wander through the town and soak in its charm.
Torre d'AreseVillage
Torre d'Arese is a small village with a striking tower that offers a panoramic view of the surrounding countryside.
Melegnano is a picturesque town with an impressive medieval castle. Explore its streets and experience its rich history.
Finish: Dresano Village center
Dresano: Limited cycling locality in Lombardia, Italy, with access to Parco Dell'Adda Nord and Adda River cycle path.

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