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Tranquil cycling in the countryside of Salerano sul Lambro

Cycling routes from Salerano sul Lambro

Salerano sul Lambro, located in the Lombardy region of Italy, offers a mix of road and gravel cycling routes. From a cyclist's perspective, Salerano sul Lambro provides a pleasant and tranquil countryside setting for cycling. The surrounding area features scenic landscapes and rolling hills, making it suitable for riders of various skill levels. While there are no famous cycling-related spots or well-known climbs directly within the town, nearby areas like Montevecchia offer challenging climbs for more experienced riders. Salerano sul Lambro itself has a traditional Italian atmosphere with its architecture and local shops. Overall, Salerano sul Lambro is a great destination for cyclists seeking peaceful rides in a scenic part of Lombardy.

Escape to the picturesque countryside on this cycling route near Salerano sul Lambro.

57 km
71 m

This picturesque road cycling route takes you through the lovely Lombardia countryside near Salerano sul Lambro. With a length of 57 km and moderate difficulty, it is suitable for intermediate cyclists looking for a peaceful escape. The route features highlights like Sordio, Colturano, Settala, Merlino, Galgagnano, and Lodi Vecchio. Enjoy the serene landscapes and charming villages along the way.

Cycle through the picturesque countryside, passing charming towns like Dovera and Crema.

98 km
126 m

The Creamy Countryside route offers a delightful cycling experience through the picturesque Italian countryside near Salerano sul Lambro. This road cycling route takes you through charming towns and idyllic landscapes, including Dovera, Crema, Montodine, Secugnago, Bargano, and Castello Vistarini. With a distance of 98 km and an ascent of 126 m, this route is suitable for intermediate cyclists looking for a moderately challenging ride. Experience the beauty of Lombardia's countryside, filled with rolling hills, vineyards, and traditional Italian architecture.

Embark on a thrilling adventure through the Lambro Valley.

67 km
95 m

Experience an exciting cycling adventure through the Lambro Valley in Lombardia. This road cycling route covers a distance of 67 km and offers a mix of flat and hilly sections. Highlights include Cerro al Lambro, San Donato Milanese, Punto di osservazione del canneto, Merlino, and Lodi Vecchio. The difficulty level is moderate, making it suitable for well-trained amateur cyclists. Enjoy the diverse landscapes, cultural attractions, and scenic views along the way.

Explore the charming town of Melegnano and cycle through picturesque towns like Pioltello and Vignate.

72 km
116 m

The Southern Loop is a scenic cycling route starting near Salerano sul Lambro. It takes you through beautiful landscapes and charming towns, including Melegnano, Pioltello, and Vignate. Along the way, you'll pass by historical landmarks and enjoy breathtaking views. This route is suitable for both road and gravel bikes and offers a moderate challenge for amateur cyclists. With a distance of 72 km and an ascent of 116 m, it provides a perfect balance of adventure and enjoyment.

Embark on an adventurous gravel ride along the picturesque banks of the Po River.

101 km
344 m

The Po River Adventure is a thrilling gravel cycling route starting near Salerano sul Lambro. This 101 km route takes you along the banks of the Po River, offering scenic views and diverse terrain. Highlights of this adventurous ride include Casaletto Lodigiano, Inverno e Monteleone, San Zenone al Po, Lirio, Campospinoso, and Gugnano. With an ascent of 344 m, this route provides a challenging ride for experienced gravel cyclists. Immerse yourself in nature as you cycle through forests, fields, and quaint Italian villages.

Cycle through the historic town of Lodi and discover the hidden gems of San Martino in Strada and Borgo San Giovanni.

79 km
102 m

The Lodi Loop is a road cycling route that takes you through the historic town of Lodi and surrounding picturesque areas. Starting near Salerano sul Lambro, this 79 km route passes through Lodi Vecchio, Lodi, Capergnanica, San Martino in Strada, Borgo San Giovanni, and Calvenzano. With an ascent of 102 m, this route is suitable for amateur cyclists looking for a moderately challenging ride. Experience the charm and history of Lombardia as you explore medieval towns and take in the scenic countryside views.

Discover the beauty of Lambro River as you cycle from Marzano to San Zenone al Lambro.

116 km
134 m

The Riverside Ride is a road cycling route that takes you on a scenic journey along the Lambro River. Starting near Salerano sul Lambro, you'll cycle through picturesque towns and experience the stunning beauty of the river. Highlights of this route include Marzano, Pavia, Gropello Cairoli, and San Zenone al Lambro. With a distance of 116 km and an ascent of 134 m, this route provides a moderately challenging ride for well-trained amateur cyclists. Enjoy the peaceful surroundings and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Lombardia.

Explore the charming Lambro Valley in this scenic cycling loop.

51 km
64 m

This route takes you through the beautiful Lambro Valley in Lombardia, Italy. You'll enjoy stunning views of the surrounding countryside as you cycle along the route, which includes several highlights like Cornegliano Laudense, Brembio, Collina della Croce, Sant'Angelo Lodigiano, and Stazione. The route has a moderate difficulty level, making it suitable for well-trained amateur cyclists. It offers an epic experience with its picturesque landscapes and charming villages along the way.

Embark on a challenging journey from Lodi to Gragnano Trebbiense.

143 km
638 m

This road cycling route takes you from Lodi to Gragnano Trebbiense, offering a challenging cycling experience. The route covers a distance of 143 km and includes highlights such as Lodi Vecchio, Mairago, Somaglia, San Rocco al Porto, Gragnano Trebbiense, Castello di Corano, and Caselle Lurani. It is recommended for experienced cyclists due to its difficulty level and longer distance. The route offers a mix of flat stretches and hilly sections, providing a varied cycling experience.

Discover the eastern part of Lombardia on this picturesque cycling route.

86 km
115 m

This road cycling route allows you to discover the eastern part of Lombardia. Covering a distance of 86 km, the route takes you through beautiful countryside and small villages. Highlights of the route include Brugherio, Paullo, and Lodi Vecchio. The difficulty level is moderate, making it suitable for intermediate cyclists. Enjoy the scenic views and cultural highlights along the way.

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Image of Caselle Lurani
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Image of Lodi Vecchio
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Image of Tavazzano

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Image of San Zenone al Lambro
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Image of Cerro al Lambro
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