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Diverse cycling opportunities for road and gravel cyclists

Cycling routes from Tavazzano

Tavazzano, situated in Lombardia, Italy, offers cyclists a diverse range of cycling opportunities. From flat, paved paths to hilly gravel routes, Tavazzano caters to both road and gravel cyclists. The area is well-connected with cycling infrastructure, making it convenient for cyclists to explore the surrounding countryside. A well-known nearby cycling spot is Parco Regionale Adda Sud, which features scenic cycling paths along the river. With its variety of cycling options and accessible routes, Tavazzano is a cyclist-friendly locality.

Escape to the tranquility of nature on this gravel route near Tavazzano

60 km
60 m

Experience the beauty of nature on this gravel cycling route near Tavazzano. With a distance of 60 km and an ascent of 60 meters, this route is suitable for cyclists looking for a peaceful and immersive adventure. Highlights along the way include Quartiano, Spino d’Adda, Palazzo Pignano, Capergnanica, and Lodi. Immerse yourself in the tranquility of the countryside as you explore hidden paths and escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Explore the charming town of Sant'Angelo Lodigiano

62 km
85 m

This scenic road cycling route takes you through picturesque countryside and charming Italian villages. With a moderate difficulty level, cyclists can enjoy a peaceful ride while taking in the beautiful landscapes of Lombardia. The highlights of this route include Sant'Angelo Lodigiano, Marzano, and Sordio, where you can discover historic sites and local culture.

Explore the beautiful countryside and small towns near Tavazzano

115 km
141 m

Cycle through picturesque landscapes and charming towns near Tavazzano in Lombardia. This route offers a mix of rolling hills and flat sections, providing a variety of terrain for cyclists to enjoy. With a moderate difficulty level, the route is suitable for both experienced riders and amateur cyclists looking for a challenge. Along the way, you will pass through Caselle Lurani, a historic village known for its medieval architecture, and San Martino Siccomario, a peaceful town situated on the banks of the Olona River.

Discover charming towns and scenic beauty on this road cycling route near Tavazzano

74 km
58 m

Take a journey through charming towns and scenic landscapes on this road cycling route near Tavazzano. With an ascent of 58 meters and a distance of 74 km, this route provides a leisurely exploration of Lombardia's liveliness. Highlights along the way include Zelo Buon Persico, Crema, Cavenago d'Adda, San Martino in Strada, and Lodi Vecchio. Enjoy the relaxing ambiance and cultural richness of each town as you pedal through the beautiful countryside of Lombardia.

Explore the charming towns and countryside near Tavazzano

50 km
63 m

Embark on a picturesque cycling adventure through the Lombardia region of Italy, starting near Tavazzano. This 50-kilometer round-trip route will take you through beautiful landscapes, charming towns, and cultural highlights. Get ready to experience the rich history, delicious cuisine, and warm hospitality of Lombardia.

Picturesque villages and beautiful landscapes await on this road cycling route near Tavazzano

95 km
172 m

This route takes you through the stunning Lombardia countryside, offering picturesque views of charming villages and beautiful landscapes. You will pass through Sant'Angelo Lodigiano, Broni, Castello Visconteo, Bornasco, and Sordio. The overall ascent is moderate, making it suitable for amateur cyclists with some training. With a distance of 95 km, it provides a good challenge without being too demanding. This route offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the cultural and natural beauty of Lombardia.

Embark on a thrilling gravel adventure in Lombardia

53 km
86 m

Discover the wild side of Lombardia on this challenging gravel route starting near Tavazzano. With a relatively short distance but a significant ascent, this route is perfect for gravel enthusiasts looking for an adrenaline-filled adventure. Along the way, you will pass through San Giuliano Milanese, a small town with a fascinating history. Take a moment to admire the canneto, a dense reed thicket that provides shelter for many bird species. Continue on to Robbiano, where you can enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Finally, reach Cervignano d'Adda and visit its charming historic center before heading back to Tavazzano.

Uncover the hidden gems of Lombardia on this gravel route

112 km
141 m

Embark on a journey through the lesser-known parts of Lombardia on this gravel cycling route. With a moderate difficulty level, this route offers a balanced mix of challenging climbs and tranquil flat sections. Along the way, you will pass through Caselle Lurani, a small village with a rich history. Marvel at the medieval architecture of Marzano and take a break in Pavia, a picturesque town known for its art and history. Admire the beautiful landscapes surrounding Gropello Cairoli and Bereguardo before reaching Carpiano, a hidden gem nestled amidst the Italian countryside. Finally, make a stop in Sordio, where endless fields and a peaceful atmosphere await.

Embark on a thrilling gravel adventure near Tavazzano and explore hidden gems along the way

67 km
88 m

This off-road gravel route offers a thrilling adventure for cyclists near Tavazzano. With a distance of 67 km and an ascent of 88 meters, it provides a moderate challenge suitable for experienced gravel riders. Along the route, you will discover hidden gems such as Paullo, Rivolta d'Adda, Barbuzzera, and Lodi. Prepare to be amazed by the beautiful landscapes and untouched nature that awaits you on this exciting journey.

Challenge yourself with this road cycling route filled with epic climbs near Tavazzano

129 km
734 m

Get ready to push your limits on this challenging road cycling route near Tavazzano. With an ascent of 734 meters and a distance of 129 km, this route is suitable for well-trained cyclists looking for a demanding adventure. The highlights of this route include Colturano, Segrate, Monza, Collinetta di Vedano, Casatenovo, Collina dei Cipressi, Monte Robbio, Bottanuco, Cassano d'Adda, Zelo Buon Persico, and Quartiano. Be prepared to experience breathtaking views and conquer legendary climbs along the way.

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