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Countryside Ride

A road cycling route starting from Settala

Explore the picturesque countryside near Settala


This round-trip cycling route takes you through the beautiful Lombardia countryside near Settala. With a moderate ascent of 71 meters and a total distance of 56 kilometers, it's a perfect ride for intermediate level cyclists. The route offers a blend of scenic landscapes, quaint rural villages, and interesting highlights.

56 km
71 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Settala Village center
Settala: Explore the stunning countryside from the cyclist-friendly town of Settala.
Settala, located in the Lombardia region of Italy, is a cyclist's dream with its range of cycling possibilities. The locality boasts well-paved roads that cater to road cyclists, ensuring a smooth ride. Cyclists can explore the surrounding countryside, which features rolling hills and picturesque vistas. While Settala itself doesn't have any famous cycling spots, it acts as an ideal starting point for various routes in the region. The ease of access and stunning landscapes make Settala a wonderful destination for cycling enthusiasts.
Dresano is a charming village along the route with its traditional architecture and narrow streets. Take a moment to explore the historic center and soak in the local ambiance.
San Giuliano MilaneseTown
San Giuliano Milanese is a vibrant town known for its cultural events and festivals. Stop by one of the local cafes to enjoy some Italian coffee and watch the world go by.
Punto di osservazione del cannetoViewpoint
At the Punto di osservazione del canneto, you can enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding marshland and observe the diverse flora and fauna that call this area their home.
Pantigliate is a small town with an interesting mix of modern and traditional architecture. It is also home to a beautiful park where you can take a break and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.
Finish: Settala Village center
Settala: Explore the stunning countryside from the cyclist-friendly town of Settala.

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