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Exploring Gravel Roads near Usmate

A gravel cycling route starting from Usmate-Velate

A scenic gravel cycling route that takes you through the beautiful countryside near Usmate.


Escape the pavement and explore the picturesque gravel roads surrounding Usmate. This 66-kilometer route offers a moderate ascent of 583 meters, suitable for gravel enthusiasts. Enjoy the tranquility of the countryside and discover hidden gems along the way.

66 km
583 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Velasca Village center
Usmate-Velate: Experience the convenience of cycling in Usmate-Velate and take on the challenge of the Selvino climb.
Usmate-Velate is a locality in Lombardia, Italy that offers a balanced mix of urban and rural cycling routes. The town itself features various bike-friendly amenities and well-kept roads, making it an inviting destination for cyclists. Nearby, you can find the famous climb of Selvino, which attracts serious riders eager to challenge their strength and endurance. Usmate-Velate provides a good starting point for both leisurely rides and more ambitious cycling endeavors in the Lombardia region.
Inverigo is a charming town perched on a hillside. Enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.
Triuggio is known for its medieval heritage. Explore the historic center and admire its ancient architecture.
Arcore, with its beautiful historic buildings, is worth a visit. Take a break and enjoy the local atmosphere.
Finish: Velasca Village center
Usmate-Velate: Experience the convenience of cycling in Usmate-Velate and take on the challenge of the Selvino climb.

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