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Landscape Discoveries and Historic Treasures

A road cycling route starting from Comunanza

A road cycling route that explores the diverse landscapes of Marche region and visits historic attractions along the way.


This road cycling route takes cyclists on a journey through the captivating landscapes of the Marche region. Starting in Comunanza, cyclists will pass through the charming town of Monte la Torre with its panoramic vistas before reaching Monte dell'Ascensione - a historic site offering beautiful views of the surrounding countryside. The highlight of the route is the visit to Belvedere, a scenic viewpoint that offers a panoramic vista of the beautiful town of Ascoli Piceno. Riders will also pass through Colle Morone, known for its historic charm, before concluding the route at Monte San Martino, where ancient ruins and stunning mountain views await. This route provides a perfect blend of natural beauty and cultural heritage, showcasing the best of Marche region.

102 km
2412 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Comunanza Village center
Comunanza: Picturesque Cycling Haven
Comunanza is a charming town located in Marche, Italy. The locality offers diverse cycling opportunities, with quiet and scenic roads suitable for road cyclists. Gravel cyclists can explore the surrounding countryside through various gravel paths and trails. Nearby, the Sibillini Mountains provide stunning scenery and challenging climbs for cyclists. One of the well-known climbs in the area is Monte Vettore, which offers breathtaking views from the top. Overall, Comunanza is a fantastic choice for cyclists looking to ride in a picturesque setting.
Comunanza is the starting and ending point of the route and offers convenient facilities for cyclists.
Monte la Torre826 mPeak
Monte la Torre offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside and is a popular spot among local cyclists.
Monte dell'Ascensione1103 mPeak
Monte dell'Ascensione is a historic site offering stunning views of the Marche landscape and the Apennine Mountains.
Belvedere is a scenic viewpoint that provides magnificent vistas of the beautiful town of Ascoli Piceno.
Ascoli PicenoCity
Ascoli Piceno is a historic town with ancient architecture and charming streets, known for its rich cultural heritage.
Colle Morone290 mPeak
Colle Morone is a quaint village with narrow streets and medieval buildings, offering a glimpse into the region's history.
Monte San Martino794 mPeak
Monte San Martino is an ancient hilltop site with ruins and incredible panoramic views of the Marche countryside.
Finish: Comunanza Village center
Comunanza: Picturesque Cycling Haven

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