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Conquer the Majestic Colle dell'Agnello

Cycling routes from Cuneo

Cuneo, located in the Piemonte region of Italy, is a treasure trove for cyclists seeking diverse terrain and stunning landscapes. The locality is nestled at the foot of the Italian Alps, providing cyclists with incredible mountainous routes and breathtaking views. Cuneo is renowned for its proximity to the Colle dell'Agnello, one of the legendary mountain passes in Europe. This challenging climb has featured in prestigious cycling races like the Giro d'Italia. Cuneo also offers gentler cycling options, including scenic rides through vineyards and orchards. With its cycling-friendly atmosphere and countless route possibilities, Cuneo is a must-visit destination for cyclists.

Immerse yourself in the vineyards and ancient castles on this 101km road cycling loop.

101 km
463 m

Experience the charm of Cuneo province as you ride through picturesque countryside, quaint villages, and the medieval Castello della Manta. This route offers a delightful mix of rural beauty, historical sites, and pleasant uphill challenges.

Immerse yourself in the off-road cycling adventure with this gravel route from Cuneo to Ronchi, Roreto, Bene Vagienna, Magliano Alpi, and back to Cuneo, passing by the Madonna delle Grazie shrine along the way.

100 km
575 m

For gravel enthusiasts, this cycling route starting from Cuneo takes you on an exciting off-road adventure. You will ride through diverse terrain, including gravel paths and picturesque countryside landscapes. Along the route, you can immerse yourself in the peacefulness of Ronchi, admire the monumental Castello Principi degli Acaja in Roreto, and explore the historic town of Bene Vagienna. As you pedal further, you will pass by Magliano Alpi, famous for its panoramic views, before returning to Cuneo and paying a visit to the captivating Madonna delle Grazie shrine. This gravel route provides an opportunity to discover hidden gems in the Piemonte region and experience the thrill of off-road cycling.

Explore the diverse landscape of Cuneo province on this 133km road cycling route.

133 km
1656 m

Embark on a scenic journey through picturesque villages, vineyards, and challenging climbs, including the famous Santuario di Vicoforte. This route offers a mix of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and thrilling descents.

Embark on an off-road adventure through picturesque nature trails on this 49km gravel cycling route.

49 km
793 m

Discover the untamed beauty of Cuneo province as you traverse gravel paths, serene forests, and hidden valleys. This route immerses you in the rugged landscapes and rich biodiversity of the region.

Through picturesque landscapes and historic sites, this road cycling route takes you from Cuneo to the Madonna delle Grazie shrine, Vicoforte sanctuary, Bric Pasquin hill, Roccaforte Mondovì castle, and Monte Fallonio peak, before returning to Cuneo.

83 km
1090 m

This scenic road cycling route near Cuneo allows you to explore beautiful landscapes and visit historical landmarks. Starting in Cuneo, you will ride through rolling hills and charming villages, passing by the Madonna delle Grazie shrine and the Santuario di Vicoforte, famous for its elliptical dome. As you continue, you will climb the Bric Pasquin hill and admire panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. The route also takes you to the majestic Roccaforte Mondovì castle and the breathtaking summit of Monte Fallonio. Overall, this route offers a mix of cultural and natural attractions, making it a memorable cycling experience.

Embark on a thrilling gravel adventure near Cuneo

76 km
313 m

Discover the natural beauty and historical wonders of the Piemonte region as you cycle through a diverse array of landscapes on this gravel route. Enjoy challenging ascents, picturesque villages, and stunning vistas along the way.

Experience the beauty of nature as you cycle through Cuneo, San Pietro del Gallo, Santa Cristina, Ronchi, and pass by Cerialdo on this road cycling route.

50 km
189 m

Nature enthusiasts will delight in this road cycling route that allows for an immersive experience amidst marvelous landscapes. Starting from Cuneo, embark on a journey through breathtaking surroundings while passing the quaint town of San Pietro del Gallo. Continue onwards to Santa Cristina and bask in the picturesque rural charm it exudes. The route leads to Ronchi, where cyclists can take a moment to appreciate its tranquil beauty and recharge their energy. As you cycle further, pass by Cerialdo with its rich natural offerings. This route offers an opportunity to pedal through natural wonderlands, discover hidden gems, and create lasting connections with the awe-inspiring beauty of Cuneo and its surroundings.

Embark on a scenic and historic journey through green fields and picturesque routes on this 85km gravel cycling route.

85 km
335 m

Experience the fascinating blend of history, culture, and natural wonders on this gravel route through Savigliano and its surroundings. Encounter beautiful landscapes, charming villages, and well-preserved historical landmarks along the way.

Embark on a challenging road cycling trail that takes you from Cuneo through Vignolo, Bernezzo, Cima Varengo, Morra del Villar, and back to Cuneo.

69 km
914 m

Challenge yourself with this road cycling route near Cuneo that offers a mix of climbs and scenic countryside stretches. Starting from Cuneo, you will ride through charming villages and ascend challenging hills, including Vignolo, Bernezzo, and Cima Varengo. Along the way, soak up breathtaking views of the surrounding valleys and indulge in a well-deserved break in the historical village of Morra del Villar. The route culminates with a return to Cuneo, where you can celebrate your accomplishments with a satisfying meal in one of the city's vibrant restaurants. This route is recommended for experienced cyclists seeking an adrenaline-filled adventure in the Piedmont region.

Conquer demanding climbs and revel in outstanding panoramas on this 142km road cycling route.

142 km
2150 m

Embark on an epic journey through Cuneo province, featuring challenging ascents, scenic roads, and breathtaking vistas from Belvedere. This route promises both physical exertion and rewarding natural and cultural experiences.

Cycling routes nearby:

Image of Boves

Boves: Cycling Bliss with the Colle Delle Finestre Climb

Image of Borgo San Dalmazzo
Borgo San Dalmazzo

Conquer the legendary Col de Tenda and enjoy the stunning mountainous landscapes of Borgo San Dalmazzo.

Image of Beinette

Indulge in the beauty of Beinette's countryside and conquer the challenging climb to the Sanctuary of Vicoforte.

Image of Bernezzo

Explore Bernezzo's cycling treasures.

Image of Peveragno

Legendary climbs and awe-inspiring alpine landscapes in Peveragno.

Image of Caraglio

Explore Caraglio's cycling magic.

Image of Roccavione

Challenge yourself on tough climbs and soak in the breathtaking mountain views in Roccavione.

Image of Robilante

Conquer the Legendary Colle della Fauniera in Robilante

Image of Chiusa di Pesio
Chiusa di Pesio

Cycling paradise in the heart of Piemonte.

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