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Challenge yourself on tough climbs and soak in the breathtaking mountain views in Roccavione.

Cycling routes from Roccavione

Roccavione, nestled in Piemonte, Italy, offers a scenic and challenging playground for road and gravel cyclists. The town is surrounded by stunning mountain views and winding roads that are perfect for those seeking a cycling adventure. Roccavione is nearby well-known cycling destinations such as Col de Tende, known for its tough climb and breathtaking scenery. With its combination of natural beauty and intense routes, Roccavione attracts cyclists looking for a thrilling and formidable cycling experience.

Embark on a short but rewarding road cycling journey to the scenic Colle di San Maurizio

38 km
315 m

This road cycling route offers a shorter but rewarding journey to Colle di San Maurizio, a scenic spot renowned for its panoramic views. With a distance of 38 kilometers and an ascent of 315 meters, this route is suitable for cyclists looking for a manageable yet satisfying ride. The highlights along the route include Colle di San Maurizio, San Michele di Cervasca, Poggio Ciappin, Valgrana, and Cervasca. These highlights provide captivating sights and charming towns to explore along the way. Overall, this route offers a delightful cycling experience with its beautiful landscapes and cultural attractions.

Explore the picturesque region of Piemonte on this scenic cycling route

70 km
639 m

The Alta Langa Loop is a beautiful cycling route that takes you through the stunning region of Piemonte in Italy. Starting near Roccavione, this round-trip route offers breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and countryside. With a total distance of 70 kilometers and an ascent of 639 meters, it is suitable for well-trained amateur cyclists. The route is mainly on paved roads and is ideal for road bikes. As you cycle along the route, you'll pass through charming towns and villages, including Cuneo, Chiusa di Pesio, Rivoira, and Borgo San Dalmazzo. These towns offer a glimpse into the local culture and history of the region. The highlight of the route is the climb up Chiusa di Pesio, a challenging but rewarding ascent that offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. Another notable highlight is Rivoira, a small village known for its beautiful architecture. Overall, the Alta Langa Loop is a fantastic cycling route that showcases the natural beauty and cultural heritage of Piemonte. With its stunning scenery, challenging climbs, and charming towns, this route is sure to provide an unforgettable cycling experience.

Embark on a scenic road cycling journey to the charming town of Roata Chiusani

93 km
885 m

This road cycling route takes you on a scenic journey to the charming town of Roata Chiusani. With a distance of 93 kilometers and an ascent of 885 meters, this route offers an enjoyable yet challenging ride through beautiful landscapes. The highlights along the route include Cuneo, Roata Chiusani, San Sebastiano, Pianfei, Rivoira, and Colletto del Moro. These highlights offer diverse attractions, from historic towns to breathtaking viewpoints. Overall, this route provides a delightful cycling experience with its mix of natural beauty and cultural highlights.

Experience a challenging and epic road cycling adventure through imposing mountains

169 km
4460 m

This road cycling route is not for the faint of heart, as it takes you through some of the most challenging mountains in the area. With a distance of 169 kilometers and an ascent of 4,460 meters, this route is reserved for highly trained and experienced cyclists looking for the ultimate challenge. The highlights along the route include Aisone, Rocca Bravaria, Col de la Lombarde / Colle della Lombarda, Mont Palastre, Pointe de Carridos, Isola, Tête de la Cabane, Forte di Vinadio, Festiona, and Rocca Moret Grande. These highlights offer legendary climbs and famous cycling spots that attract cyclists from far and wide. Overall, this route provides an intense and unforgettable cycling experience through some of the most impressive mountains in the region.

Exploring the beauty of Mondovì and surrounding areas

84 km
953 m

This 84 km cycling route takes you through the charming town of Cuneo and the scenic countryside of Montanera and Mondovì. With an ascent of 953 meters, this route is suitable for well-trained amateurs. The highlight of this route is Punto Panoramico at the 61 km mark, which offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes. With a difficulty rating of 3 and an epicness rating of 3, this route provides a moderately challenging and enjoyable cycling experience.

Immerse yourself in the picturesque landscapes and charming towns of Roccavione on this road cycling route

70 km
631 m

This road cycling route near Roccavione takes you on a scenic journey through charming towns and picturesque landscapes. With a total distance of 70 kilometers and an ascent of 631 meters, this route offers a good balance of challenge and enjoyment. The highlights along the route include Roccavione, Colle di San Maurizio, San Damiano Macra, Tetti Borgetto, Poggio Ciappin, Cervasca, and Il Tesoriere. These highlights offer unique attractions and stunning views that make them worth exploring. Overall, this route provides a memorable cycling experience with its combination of natural beauty and cultural highlights.

A scenic route with a mix of challenging climbs and picturesque villages

65 km
471 m

This 65 km road route takes you through the picturesque towns of Pianfei and Borgo San Dalmazzo, offering beautiful views of the surrounding hills and valleys. With an ascent of 471 meters, this route is suitable for intermediate-level cyclists. The highlight of this route is the panoramic viewpoint of Peveragno at the 52 km mark, where you can admire the stunning landscapes below. With a difficulty rating of 2 and an epicness rating of 3, this route provides a pleasant and enjoyable cycling experience.

Cycling through picturesque villages and scenic landscapes

122 km
1720 m

This cycling route takes you through the charming villages of Magliano Alpi, Rocca Cigliè, and San Michele Mondovì, offering beautiful views of the surrounding landscapes. With a total distance of 122 km and an ascent of 1720 meters, this route is suitable for well-trained amateurs. The scenic highlight of this route is the Colla della Giacobba, located at 78 km mark, where you can enjoy panoramic views of the area. With a difficulty rating of 3 and an epicness rating of 4, this route provides a challenging yet rewarding cycling experience.

Embark on an adventurous gravel cycling journey and explore the scenic town of Vignolo

37 km
968 m

For gravel enthusiasts, this route offers an exciting adventure through picturesque landscapes and the charming town of Vignolo. With a distance of 37 kilometers and an ascent of 968 meters, this gravel route provides a refreshing change of terrain. The highlights along the route include Vignolo, Bernezzo, Colle di Rosa, Bric Rora, and Beguda. These highlights offer unique attractions and scenic spots that showcase the natural beauty of the area. Overall, this gravel route provides a thrilling cycling experience with its off-road exploration and scenic vistas.

A challenging gravel route with breathtaking mountain views

140 km
5275 m

This 140 km gravel route takes you through the rugged beauty of the Piemonte region, offering breathtaking views of the mountains and valleys. With an ascent of 5275 meters, this challenging route is suitable for experienced gravel riders. The highlight of this route is Truc Murgium at the 133 km mark, where you can enjoy panoramic views of the mountainous landscapes. With a difficulty rating of 5 and an epicness rating of 5, this route is a true test of endurance and provides an epic and unforgettable cycling adventure.

Cycling routes nearby:

Image of Borgo San Dalmazzo
Borgo San Dalmazzo

Conquer the legendary Col de Tenda and enjoy the stunning mountainous landscapes of Borgo San Dalmazzo.

Image of Robilante

Conquer the Legendary Colle della Fauniera in Robilante

Image of Boves

Boves: Cycling Bliss with the Colle Delle Finestre Climb

Image of Bernezzo

Explore Bernezzo's cycling treasures.

Image of Cuneo

Conquer the Majestic Colle dell'Agnello

Image of Peveragno

Legendary climbs and awe-inspiring alpine landscapes in Peveragno.

Image of Caraglio

Explore Caraglio's cycling magic.

Image of Beinette

Indulge in the beauty of Beinette's countryside and conquer the challenging climb to the Sanctuary of Vicoforte.

Image of Chiusa di Pesio
Chiusa di Pesio

Cycling paradise in the heart of Piemonte.

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