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Discovering Gravel Routes in Romagnano Sesia

A gravel cycling route starting from Romagnano Sesia

Explore the beauty and tranquility of Romagnano Sesia's gravel routes


Uncover the hidden gems of Romagnano Sesia with this 38-kilometer gravel route, which takes cyclists through stunning natural landscapes and rural hamlets. Experience the joy of riding on off-road paths, connecting with nature and appreciating the simplicity of life in Piemonte. Discover the region's rich history and captivating sights as you pedal through picturesque villages and visit historical landmarks along the way.

38 km
208 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Romagnano Sesia Village center
Romagnano Sesia: Scenic routes through picturesque landscapes and access to historical sites.
Romagnano Sesia, located in the Piemonte region of Italy, offers cycling opportunities through its beautiful surroundings. As a road or gravel cyclist, you can explore scenic routes amidst rolling hills and picturesque landscapes. Romagnano Sesia is also known for its historical sites, such as the Sacro Monte di Varallo, which can be visited during cycling adventures. While there may not be any well-known climbs nearby, Romagnano Sesia provides a charming setting for cyclists to explore the region's natural and cultural attractions.
Fara NovareseVillage
Fara Novarese, nestled amidst vineyards and rolling hills, invites wine enthusiasts to indulge in delightful local wine tastings.
Castello di ProhCastle
Castello di Proh, an ancient fortress steeped in history, offers a glimpse into the region's medieval past and architectural grandeur.
Castrum NovumCastle
Castrum Novum, a fortified town, presents visitors with a blend of past and present, with its ancient walls standing next to modern amenities.
Castello del CavenagoCastle
Castello del Cavenago captivates with its stunning architecture and beautiful gardens, offering a serene escape from the bustling world.
Torre del PretorioAttraction
Torre del Pretorio, a historic tower turned museum, showcases an impressive collection of art, artifacts, and cultural exhibits.
Finish: Romagnano Sesia Village center
Romagnano Sesia: Scenic routes through picturesque landscapes and access to historical sites.

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