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Gravel Adventure

A gravel cycling route starting from Santo Stefano Belbo

Embark on an exciting gravel adventure through the scenic countryside near Santo Stefano Belbo.


Get off the beaten path and explore the beautiful countryside on this gravel route. Perfect for adventure-seeking cyclists, the route takes you through charming Italian villages and scenic landscapes. Highlights along the way include the Collina di Moncucco viewpoint and the medieval Castello di Annnone. With a moderate difficulty level and a high epicness rating, this route promises to be a thrilling cycling experience.

141 km
1327 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Santo Stefano Belbo Village center
Santo Stefano Belbo: Cycling and Wine Tasting in Santo Stefano Belbo
Santo Stefano Belbo is a charming town situated in the Piemonte region of Italy. Cyclists will appreciate the rolling hills and beautiful countryside roads that make Santo Stefano Belbo a great destination for road and gravel riding. The area is also famous for its vineyards and wineries, offering cyclists the opportunity to combine their rides with wine tasting. One noteworthy cycling spot nearby is the Sella di Cortemilia climb, which provides a rewarding challenge with stunning views from the summit. With its idyllic landscapes and wine-focused attractions, Santo Stefano Belbo is a must-visit for cyclists exploring Piemonte.
Collina di Moncucco383 mPeak
Collina di Moncucco offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Take a moment to appreciate the natural beauty and peacefulness of the area.
Costigliole d'AstiVillage
Costigliole d'Asti is a charming village known for its historic castle and delicious food. Stop by a local eatery and indulge in some traditional Piedmontese cuisine.
Castello di AnnoneVillage
Castello di Annnone is a medieval castle that serves as a reminder of the region's rich history. Explore the castle grounds and take in the architectural beauty.
Viarigi is a small village with narrow streets and quaint houses. Ride through the village and admire the rustic charm.
Quargnento is a historic village known for its well-preserved buildings. Take a detour and explore the village's architectural marvels.
Terpone is a remote village surrounded by nature. Enjoy the tranquility of the area and take a moment to connect with the great outdoors.
Montegrosso d'AstiVillage
Montegrosso d'Asti is a hilltop village with stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Ride through the village and soak in the panoramas.
Finish: Santo Stefano Belbo Village center
Santo Stefano Belbo: Cycling and Wine Tasting in Santo Stefano Belbo

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