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Giaveno Gravel

A gravel cycling route starting from Valdengo

Experience the thrill of gravel cycling and traverse the scenic routes near Valdengo, passing through Borriana and Sala Biellese.


The Giaveno Gravel route is an exhilarating cycling adventure for gravel enthusiasts seeking a blend of challenging terrains and breathtaking scenery. Starting in Valdengo, you'll pass through Borriana, a serene town surrounded by lush greenery and charming natural landscapes. As you continue, the adventurous Passo dell'Oca awaits, offering a thrilling ascent and rewarding panoramic views. Sala Biellese follows, showcasing picturesque countryside views and peaceful surroundings. With its moderate difficulty level and off-the-beaten-path exploration, the Giaveno Gravel route is a perfect choice for those seeking a unique and daring gravel cycling experience.

59 km
777 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Quaregna Cerreto Village center
Valdengo: Enjoy the picturesque countryside and explore nearby famous climbs in Biella.
Valdengo, a locality in Piemonte, Italy, offers a peaceful and scenic experience for road and gravel cyclists. From meandering country roads to steep climbs, Valdengo has a variety of routes to suit different preferences and skill levels. The countryside surrounding Valdengo is dotted with charming villages and scenic landscapes, making it a delight for cyclists seeking cultural and natural experiences. For those looking for famous cycling spots, the nearby town of Biella is known for its challenging climbs such as Colle del Sestriere.
Experience Valdengo's rugged landscapes and enjoy the thrill of gravel cycling.
Borriana is a tranquil haven nestled amidst rolling green hills and scenic trails.
Passo dell'Oca755 mMountain Pass
Embark on a challenging ascent up the Passo dell'Oca and be rewarded with breathtaking panoramic vistas.
Sala BielleseVillage
Discover the hidden gem of Sala Biellese, immersed in picturesque countryside scenery.
Gaglianico offers gravel cycling enthusiasts unspoiled natural beauty and stunning views.
Escape the crowds and explore the hidden trails of Boscariggio, surrounded by captivating landscapes.
Finish: Quaregna Cerreto Village center
Valdengo: Enjoy the picturesque countryside and explore nearby famous climbs in Biella.

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Image of Vigliano Biellese
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