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The Gravel Adventure

A gravel cycling route starting from Vigliano Biellese

Explore the diverse landscapes of Vigliano Biellese on this adventurous gravel route.


Embark on an exciting gravel adventure through Vigliano Biellese and discover the stunning landscapes this region has to offer. With a total ascent of 927 meters and a distance of 86 kilometers, this route will challenge even the most experienced cyclists. From the charming town of Salussola to the historic Sapel da Mur, there are plenty of highlights along the way. Don't miss the picturesque Borgo d'Ale and the scenic views of the Ivrea amphitheater. End your ride in Biella, a city known for its rich history and stunning architecture.

86 km
927 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Vigliano Biellese Village center
Vigliano Biellese: Experience the beauty of the countryside and challenge yourself on the Santuario di Oropa climb.
Vigliano Biellese, located in Piemonte, Italy, is a cyclist's paradise with its stunning landscapes and excellent cycling routes. The town is surrounded by rolling hills and picturesque countryside, providing a diverse range of routes for road and gravel cyclists. Vigliano Biellese is also near the renowned climb of Santuario di Oropa, attracting cyclists from all over the world. With its cyclist-friendly atmosphere, scenic beauty, and proximity to famous climbs, Vigliano Biellese is a must-visit for any cycling enthusiast.
Visit the charming town of Salussola, with its historic buildings and picturesque streets.
Sapel da Mur294 mMountain Pass
Discover the fascinating ruins of Sapel da Mur and learn about its ancient history.
Borgo d'AleVillage
Explore Borgo d'Ale, a small village renowned for its beautiful architecture and peaceful atmosphere.
Stop by Vestignè, a hidden gem known for its stunning countryside and charming views.
Veduta dell'anfiteatro morenico di IvreaViewpoint
Experience the breathtaking vista of the Ivrea amphitheater, a remarkable geological formation of glacial origin.
Valico Taglio Grosso586 mMountain Pass
Cycle through Valico Taglio Grosso and soak in the beauty of this scenic mountain pass.
Admire the Torrazzo, a majestic tower that stands as a symbol of strength and resilience in the heart of Biella.
Finish your ride in Biella, a city steeped in history and known for its grand architecture.
Finish: Vigliano Biellese Village center
Vigliano Biellese: Experience the beauty of the countryside and challenge yourself on the Santuario di Oropa climb.

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