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A Cycling Haven in Provincia Autonoma di Trento

Cycling routes from Arco

Arco is a delightful locality situated in the Provincia Autonoma di Trento region of Italy. As a cyclist, you'll love exploring the numerous cycling paths that surround Arco. From easy rides along the Adige River to more challenging routes in the nearby mountains like Monte Velo or Tremalzo Pass, there's something for every cycling enthusiast. Arco is also famous for its annual cycling event, the Giro del Trentino, which attracts professional riders and cycling fans. With its beautiful scenery and cycling-friendly atmosphere, Arco is a must-visit destination for cyclists of all levels.


Colodri Loop

Cycle through scenic landscapes and beautiful small towns in the Arco area

87 km
1276 m

The Colodri Loop is a gravel route that takes cyclists through the picturesque Arco area in Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Italy. With a total distance of 87 kilometers and an ascent of 1276 meters, this route offers a moderate challenge for experienced riders. Along the way, cyclists will pass by highlights such as Monte Colodri, Dro, Padergnone, and Trento. The difficulty of this route is rated 3 out of 5, making it suitable for well-trained amateurs. With its stunning views and charming towns, the Colodri Loop is a must-try for gravel cycling enthusiasts.

A scenic and immersive gravel route through enchanting landscapes

36 km
534 m

Embark on the Via dei Sensi and let your senses guide you through stunning nature and breathtaking views. Delight in the panoramic beauty of Belvedere della costa, offering sweeping vistas of the surrounding hills and valleys. Discover Pietramurata, a village known for its picturesque olive groves and vibrant colors. Journey through Ceniga, a small hamlet surrounded by lush vineyards and almond orchards. Let the scent of wildflowers and herbs accompany you along every mile. Take a break and refresh your senses with the invigorating breeze of the Adige River. Immerse yourself in the peacefulness of nature and enjoy the delight of every twist and turn.

Conquer challenging climbs and be rewarded with magnificent mountain views

109 km
4428 m

The Magnificent Mountain Loop is a highly challenging gravel route encompassing 109 kilometers with an ascent of 4428 meters. This loop takes cyclists through the majestic mountains of Trentino, offering magnificent views at every turn. Highlights along this route include Tenno, Pelugo, Massimeno, and Padaro. With a difficulty rating of 5 out of 5, this route is designed for expert cyclists seeking an extreme physical challenge. The epicness level of the Magnificent Mountain Loop is also 5 out of 5, due to its legendary climbs and panoramic vistas. For those seeking the ultimate cycling adventure in the mountains near Arco, this route will surpass all expectations.

A scenic road route around the stunning Garda Lake

97 km
2930 m

Embark on the Giro del Garda and experience the beauty of Italy's largest lake. This road route offers challenging climbs and thrilling descents while showcasing the enchanting towns along the lakeshore. Enjoy the picturesque views of Riva del Garda, a charming town with its historic center and stunning waterfront. Cycle to Cima Capi and soak in the panoramic vistas of the lake from this high vantage point. Traverse the quaint village of Bezzecca, known for its cozy cafes and welcoming locals. Ascend Passo dell'Ampola and enjoy the exhilarating ride down towards Praso, a hidden gem nestled amidst striking natural landscapes. Sella di Bondo awaits with its sweeping views of the valley before the descent leads you to Fiavé, where you can visit the ancient Roman bridge and the archaeological site of Fiavé In1.

A challenging road route featuring stunning climbs and breathtaking vistas

128 km
3120 m

Embark on La Dolce Salita, a road cycling route that promises unforgettable challenges and extraordinary landscapes. Feel the adrenaline rush as you conquer Monte Colodri, known for its steep ascents and technical descents. Explore the historic town of Dro, with its medieval castle and narrow cobblestone streets. Admire the picturesque village of Pietramurata, nestled amidst rolling hills and olive groves. Garzolet offers panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and rewards cyclists with a sense of accomplishment after a challenging climb. Belvedere Dolomiti provides an unforgettable perspective on the breathtaking Dolomite Mountains. Molveno enchants with its pristine lake and charming alpine architecture. Ascend Sella di Andalo and take in the awe-inspiring mountain scenery before venturing through Monte Corno and Mezzolombardo. Cycle through Lavis, a town steeped in culture and history, and don't miss the opportunity to explore Doss Trento with its vineyards and excellent wine. Conclude your journey with the magnificent climb up Monte Grum, where the view at the summit will take your breath away.

A scenic road cycling experience with cultural highlights

96 km
2568 m

The Scenic Routes of Arco offer a delightful road cycling experience, with 2568 meters of elevation gain over a distance of 96 kilometers. This route takes you through scenic landscapes, charming towns, and cultural highlights near Arco. One of the highlights is Tenno, a picturesque village with stunning views of Lake Garda. Passo Del Ballino is another notable highlight, rewarding riders with panoramic vistas at the top. Ragoli, known for its historic buildings and rich history, offers a glimpse into the local culture. Garzolet, surrounded by idyllic countryside, provides a serene atmosphere along the journey. Embark on this scenic road cycling adventure and soak in the beauty of the landscapes while exploring the cultural highlights of Arco.

A legendary cycling route with epic climbs and stunning vistas

165 km
4917 m

The Ultimate Mountain Challenge is a legendary cycling route for hardcore enthusiasts, with 4917 meters of elevation gain over a distance of 165 kilometers. This route near Arco takes you through some of the most challenging climbs in the region, offering breathtaking views along the way. Ride up Ronzo-Chienis, a demanding ascent with steep gradients and unparalleled vistas. Passo Bordala is another epic climb, rewarding riders with majestic mountain panoramas. Aldeno, a charming village with historic buildings, provides a cultural highlight along the route. From Valico della Fricca to Rovereto, every kilometer on this route is a true test of endurance and a visual feast for the eyes. Embark on this ultimate mountain challenge to experience the thrill of conquering legendary climbs and enjoy the stunning views of the surrounding landscapes.

Breathtaking views of Lake Garda and challenging climbs

108 km
3255 m

The Garda Lake Loop offers a challenging yet rewarding cycling experience, with 3255 meters of elevation gain over a distance of 108 kilometers. Starting near Arco, this road route takes you along the scenic shores of Lake Garda, passing through picturesque towns such as Riva del Garda and Tenno. The highlight of the route is the climb up Cima Capi, a stunning mountain peak that offers panoramic views of the lake. Other notable highlights include Molina di Ledro, with its charming old town, and the challenging ascent of Passo dell'Ampola. With its stunning scenery and challenging terrain, the Garda Lake Loop is a must-visit for road cycling enthusiasts.

Explore hidden gems and picturesque routes in the Arco area

64 km
1733 m

The Hidden Gem Discovery is a gravel route of 64 kilometers with an ascent of 1733 meters, offering a delightful exploration of the lesser-known gems in the Arco area. On this route, cyclists will encounter highlights such as San Martino, Ronzo-Chienis, Passo Bordala, and Villa Lagarina. The difficulty rating for this route is 3 out of 5, making it suitable for intermediate-level riders. With its scenic beauty and unique cultural sites, the Hidden Gem Discovery provides an excellent opportunity to experience the charm of the lesser-explored areas near Arco. Admire the beauty of hidden villages, immerse yourself in nature, and discover the true essence of this enchanting region.

A challenging gravel route with breathtaking landscapes and historic sites

89 km
2215 m

Gran e Jełemdùrza takes you through diverse terrain, including steep ascents and thrilling descents. Discover the enchanting villages of Ronzo-Chienis, Nomi, and Isera, each brimming with intriguing history. Encounter unique wildlife at the Biotopo Taio nature reserve. The route culminates with an exhilarating climb up Passo San Giovanni, rewarding riders with panoramic views of the surrounding mountains.

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