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The Gravel Expedition

A gravel cycling route starting from Coredo

Unleash your adventurous spirit and conquer rugged gravel roads on this thrilling cycling adventure.


Embark on an extraordinary gravel adventure filled with challenging terrain and captivating landscapes. Covering a distance of 104km, this route takes you through remote areas and hidden gems, with highlights including Sfruz, Passo Predaia, Ruine Kaldiff - Rovine Castel Caldivo, and Monte Corno. With a difficulty rating of 4 and an epicness factor of 3, this route is ideal for experienced gravel riders seeking a thrilling off-road experience.

104 km
3968 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Coredo Village center
Coredo: Tranquil cycling retreat amidst vineyards and orchards.
Coredo, located in the Provincia Autonoma di Trento in Italy, offers a peaceful and picturesque setting for cyclists. The locality is surrounded by beautiful vineyards and orchards, providing a serene backdrop for cycling adventures. Road cyclists can explore the rolling hills and quiet country roads for a relaxing ride, while gravel cyclists can take advantage of the off-road trails in the area. With its tranquil atmosphere and cycling-friendly routes, Coredo is a delightful destination for cyclists seeking a soothing cycling experience.
Located at a distance of 3km on the route, Sfruz offers gravel enthusiasts a taste of challenging terrain and breathtaking mountain views.
Passo Predaia1250 mMountain Pass
Passo Predaia, situated 5km into the route, provides gravel riders with a thrilling climb and panoramic views of the surrounding mountains.
Ruine Kaldiff - Rovine Castel CaldivoCastle
Ruine Kaldiff - Rovine Castel Caldivo, at the 36km mark, invites riders to explore the remains of a medieval castle and soak in the history and scenery.
Monte Corno - Trudner Horn1781 mPeak
Monte Corno - Trudner Horn, located 49km into the route, is a nature reserve boasting rich biodiversity and picturesque hiking trails.
Guggal - CucalHamlet
Guggal - Cucal, at a distance of 53km, rewards gravel adventurers with rustic landscapes, dense forests, and secluded riding routes.
Located at a distance of 71km on the route, Holly is a quaint village nestled amidst vineyards, offering a serene and peaceful atmosphere for riders.
Salorno sulla Strada del Vino - Salurn an der WeinstraßeVillage
Salorno sulla Strada del Vino - Salurn an der Weinstraße, situated 75km into the route, invites riders to savor the local wines produced in the surrounding vineyards.
Mezzocorona, at the 84km mark, offers gravel riders a charming village atmosphere and an opportunity to taste delicious local gastronomy.
Monte Corno988 mPeak
Situated 89km into the route, Monte Corno rewards gravel adventurers with sweeping views of untouched nature and alpine meadows.
Taio, at a distance of 100km, is a small village surrounded by fruit orchards, contributing to a scenic and refreshing ride.
Finish: Coredo Village center
Coredo: Tranquil cycling retreat amidst vineyards and orchards.

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