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Cles Exploration

A road cycling route starting from Mezzolombardo

Discover the beauty of Cles and its surroundings on this road cycling route.


Embark on a road cycling adventure and discover the picturesque town of Cles and its surrounding areas. This 80 km route offers a total ascent of 1958 meters and takes cyclists through scenic landscapes and charming villages. It is a moderate-level ride suitable for well-trained amateur cyclists looking for a pleasant and rewarding experience.

80 km
1958 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Mezzolombardo Village center
Mezzolombardo: Idyllic landscapes beckon both road and gravel cyclists.
Mezzolombardo, located in the Provincia Autonoma di Trento in Italy, offers cyclists a mix of enchanting scenery and great cycling routes. The locality features rolling hills and vineyards, making it a mesmerizing destination for road and gravel cyclists alike. Cyclists can enjoy the smooth roads winding through picturesque landscapes or venture onto the off-road trails for a more adventurous ride. Nearby attractions include the beautiful Adige River and the captivating town of Trento. With its blend of scenic beauty and cycling opportunities, Mezzolombardo is a wonderful choice for cyclists.
Giuel is a small hamlet located just at the start of the route. While not a standout highlight, it offers pleasant views of the surrounding countryside.
Campodenno is a charming village known for its beautiful architecture and historic buildings. Take a moment to explore its streets and soak in the local ambiance.
Cles is the main highlight of this route. This picturesque town offers a beautiful cityscape, historic landmarks, and vibrant markets. Explore its streets and indulge in some local delicacies.
Colle San Maurizio1170 mPeak
Colle San Maurizio is a challenging climb that rewards cyclists with panoramic views of the valley below. Test your endurance and savor the views from the top.
Tregiovo is a scenic village nestled amidst green meadows and lush forests. Have a peaceful rest here and enjoy the freshness of nature.
Sanzeno is a captivating village known for its Renaissance-style castle and beautiful gardens. Immerse yourself in its history as you explore its streets.
Segno is a small village with a charming church and ancient buildings. Take a moment to appreciate the tranquility of this hidden gem.
Dosso Santa Margherita291 mPeak
Finish: Mezzolombardo Village center
Mezzolombardo: Idyllic landscapes beckon both road and gravel cyclists.

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