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Assoro Gravel Adventure Loop

A gravel cycling route starting from Assoro

Embark on a thrilling gravel cycling adventure traversing the stunning landscapes near Assoro.


This 90-kilometer gravel cycling route promises an exhilarating adventure through the beautiful and rugged countryside near Assoro. With a total ascent of 2,300 meters, cyclists can expect challenging terrain and awe-inspiring views. Highlights such as the San Vincenzo Paglialunga and the Castello di Sperlinga offer unique cultural and natural attractions along the way. The route concludes in Nissoria, where you can savor the charm of this picturesque town. Overall, this gravel adventure guarantees an unforgettable experience for cyclists seeking thrills and natural beauty.

90 km
2300 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Assoro Village center
Assoro: Scenic cycling in Assoro
Assoro, a town in Sicilia, Italy, is a charming locality for road and gravel cyclists. Cycling through Assoro allows cyclists to explore the scenic countryside and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere. Although not as challenging as other locations, Assoro provides a great cycling experience with its well-maintained roads and picturesque landscapes. While in Assoro, cyclists can also visit the nearby Nicosia, known for its stunning vistas and traditional Sicilian charm.
San Vincenzo PaglialungaHamlet
San Vincenzo Paglialunga, situated just 2 kilometers into the route, is a historic church with stunning views of the surrounding landscapes.
Monte Lo Presti716 mPeak
Monte Lo Presti, located at the 10-kilometer mark, offers a thrilling climb and panoramic vistas.
Poggio Sperone629 mPeak
Poggio Sperone awaits cyclists at approximately 18 kilometers into the route, providing breathtaking views and challenging terrain.
Castello di SperlingaCastle
At the 25-kilometer mark, you will reach Castello di Sperlinga, a fascinating castle built into the side of a rocky hill.
Monte San Martino1203 mPeak
Monte San Martino, around the 50-kilometer mark, offers stunning views over the surrounding countryside.
Monte Brizzo791 mPeak
Monte Brizzo, located approximately 63 kilometers into the route, presents cyclists with challenging gravel paths and picturesque landscapes.
Nissoria is a charming town situated at around 83 kilometers into the route, offering a scenic and peaceful stopover for cyclists.
Serra Sant'Anna761 mPeak
Finish: Assoro Village center
Assoro: Scenic cycling in Assoro

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