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Enchanting Mineo to Niscemi Ride

A road cycling route starting from Mineo

A captivating road cycling route from Mineo to Niscemi


Embark on a captivating road cycling journey from Mineo to Niscemi, filled with enchanting scenery and intriguing landmarks. This intermediate route boasts a mix of moderate climbs and invigorating descents, offering the perfect balance for experienced riders and adventurous beginners. Challenge yourself with the ascent of Monte Calvario, catch your breath as you enjoy sweeping views from the top, surrounded by scenic landscapes. Indulge in the beauty of the Leva waterfall after a thrilling descent from Colle Sant'Elia. End your ride by exploring the charming village of Niscemi, known for its poetic beauty and characteristic Sicilian ambiance.

116 km
1500 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Mineo Village center
Mineo: Explore the diverse cycling routes of Mineo
Mineo, situated in Sicilia, Italy, offers diverse cycling routes suited for both road and gravel cyclists. The area features rolling landscapes, vineyards, and fields, creating picturesque scenery for riders. Mineo is also known for its historical architecture and cultural heritage, making it an interesting destination for tourists. Notable cycling spots nearby include the Ragusa Plateau and the Piana di Catania, which offer challenging climbs for those seeking more intense rides. Cyclists visiting Mineo can enjoy both the natural beauty of the surroundings and the rich history of the area.
Begin your journey in the historical town of Mineo, discover its rich cultural heritage and picturesque streets.
Monte Calvario547 mPeak
Conquer the challenging ascent of Monte Calvario and admire panoramic vistas from its summit.
Monte Timpasecca701 mPeak
Embrace the adventure of scaling Monte Timpasecca, a rewarding climb with charming views.
Experience the captivating beauty of Leva waterfall, a hidden gem nestled in the lush Sicilian countryside.
Pedal through the charming village of Niscemi, appreciated for its poetic beauty and historical significance.
Monte San Nicola449 mPeak
Reach new heights with the ascent of Monte San Nicola, a challenging climb that rewards with awe-inspiring vistas.
Finish: Mineo Village center
Mineo: Explore the diverse cycling routes of Mineo

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