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Gravel Cycling Route: Mountain Adventure

A gravel cycling route starting from Nicosia

Embark on a gravel cycling adventure through the mountains surrounding Nicosia and discover hidden gems along the way.


This gravel cycling route offers a thrilling mountain adventure, taking you through rugged terrain and remote villages. With an ascent of 1315 meters over a distance of 56 kilometers, this route is suitable for experienced cyclists looking to challenge themselves. The epicness of this route is ranked 5, making it a legendary and memorable experience. The diverse highlights along the route, from Monte Indovino to Monte San Martino, add to the uniqueness of this cycling journey.

56 km
1315 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Nicosia City center
Nicosia: Cycling paradise near Mount Etna
Nicosia, a locality in Sicilia, Italy, offers a fantastic cycling experience for road and gravel cyclists. The town is surrounded by picturesque countryside and rolling hills, providing cyclists with breathtaking scenic routes. Nicosia is also known for its proximity to Mount Etna, an active volcano that offers a unique cycling challenge. With its charm and proximity to famous cycling spots, Nicosia is a highly recommended destination for cyclists in Sicilia.
Monte Indovino729 mPeak
Climb up Monte Indovino and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding mountain range and lush countryside.
Make a stop in Sperlinga, a charming medieval town, and explore its famous cave dwellings built into the cliffs.
Monte Capitano886 mPeak
As you approach Monte Capitano, admire the impressive rock formations that make this area unique.
Monte Sambughetti1558 mPeak
Visit Monte Sambughetti, known for its wild and rugged beauty, surrounded by dense forests and unspoiled nature.
Monte San Martino1203 mPeak
Revel in the stunning views from the top of Monte San Martino, the highest point along this gravel cycling route.
Reach Nicosia, your starting and ending point, and experience the charm of this traditional Sicilian town with its narrow streets and distinct architecture.
Finish: Nicosia City center
Nicosia: Cycling paradise near Mount Etna

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