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The Scenic Route to Regalbuto

A road cycling route starting from Regalbuto

Embark on a scenic journey as you cycle to Regalbuto, taking in the beauty of Sicilia along the way.


This road cycling route offers a delightful mix of natural beauty and cultural heritage as you make your way to Regalbuto. Enjoy the tranquil countryside, charming villages, and historic landmarks that dot the landscape. With challenging climbs and exhilarating descents, this route is suitable for experienced cyclists seeking a memorable adventure. Take in the stunning views of Monte Serrone, a renowned peak in the region, and savor the remote beauty of Pizzo Biamco. End your journey with a visit to Rocca di Mannia, a fortified outpost with a rich history and breathtaking panoramic views. Experience Sicilian beauty and hospitality on this unforgettable cycling route.

103 km
2748 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Regalbuto Village center
Regalbuto: Picturesque setting with challenging climbs and stunning landscapes
Regalbuto, located in Sicilia, Italy, provides a picturesque setting for cyclists to explore. Surrounded by stunning mountainous landscapes, Regalbuto is an excellent destination for both road and gravel cyclists. The local roads offer a mix of challenging climbs and breathtaking descents, providing a thrilling cycling experience. In addition, Regalbuto is famous for the nearby Madonie National Park, which features well-known climbs such as Piano Battaglia. Cyclists can enjoy exploring the park's scenic routes while taking in the natural beauty of the area. Overall, Regalbuto offers a diverse range of cycling opportunities in a stunning Sicilian setting.
Monte Serrone445 mPeak
Monte Serrone is a legendary climb for cycling enthusiasts and offers unparalleled views from the top.
Pizzo Biamco886 mPeak
Pizzo Biamco is a secluded spot that offers mesmerizing views of the surrounding landscapes.
Rocca di Mannia1119 mPeak
Rocca di Mannia is a historic castle with panoramic views and a testament to Sicily's rich heritage.
Rocca Sant'Elia1195 mPeak
Rocca Sant'Elia is a fortified stronghold built on a rocky outcrop, offering commanding views of the area.
Cesarò is a charming village with traditional architecture and a warm Sicilian welcome.
Regalbuto, the starting and end point of the route, is a picturesque town with a rich history and beautiful architecture.
Finish: Regalbuto Village center
Regalbuto: Picturesque setting with challenging climbs and stunning landscapes

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