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Chiusi Scalo - Poggio al Moro - Montallese - Pozzuolo - Torre di Beccati Questo

A gravel cycling route starting from Chiusi Scalo

Explore the charming Tuscan villages and historic towers on this gravel cycling route near Chiusi Scalo


Get ready to discover the hidden gems of Tuscany on this gravel cycling route near Chiusi Scalo. You'll pass by the challenging climb of Poggio al Moro before reaching the scenic village of Montallese. As you continue, you'll have the opportunity to visit the historic village of Pozzuolo and admire the magnificent Torre di Beccati Questo. This route is suitable for intermediate gravel cyclists looking to explore the quaint villages and historic landmarks of Tuscany.

50 km
624 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Locality center
Chiusi Scalo: Relaxed rides in scenic Chiusi Scalo, Toscana
Chiusi Scalo is a locality in Toscana, Italy, that offers a pleasant cycling experience for road and gravel cyclists. The region has a mix of gently rolling hills and scenic countryside roads, providing a relaxed yet enjoyable ride. Chiusi Scalo is located near the beautiful Lake Trasimeno, offering cyclists the opportunity to explore picturesque lakeside routes. The area also showcases historical sites and attractive medieval villages, adding to the overall charm of the locality. The local cycling community is friendly and supportive, making Chiusi Scalo a welcoming destination for cyclists of all levels.
Poggio al Moro306 mPeak
Poggio al Moro is a challenging climb rewarded with breathtaking views of the Tuscan countryside.
Montallese is a small village with traditional Tuscan charm, offering panoramic views of the rolling hills.
Pozzuolo is a historic village known for its picturesque streets and traditional Tuscan architecture.
Torre di Beccati QuestoCastle
Torre di Beccati Questo is a medieval tower offering panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes.
Finish: Locality center
Chiusi Scalo: Relaxed rides in scenic Chiusi Scalo, Toscana

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