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Limburg Gravel Madness

A gravel cycling route starting from Heerlen

An adventure-filled gravel cycling route in Limburg


Prepare for an adventure-filled gravel cycling route in Limburg. This 97km loop will take you through diverse terrains and offer a thrilling experience for gravel enthusiasts. With a challenging ascent of 1019m, this ride is designed for experienced riders who seek excitement and a touch of adrenaline. Explore the hidden gems and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Limburg. The Limburg Gravel Madness is guaranteed to provide a memorable cycling experience.

97 km
1019 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Heerlen City center
Heerlen: Cycling bliss and Cauberg challenge in Heerlen.
Heerlen, located in Limburg (NL), Netherlands, is a cycling-friendly locality that caters to the needs of both road and gravel cyclists. The town offers a well-developed cycling infrastructure with dedicated paths and lanes, making it safe and enjoyable for cyclists of all levels. Nearby, the famous Cauberg climb awaits cyclists, which is an iconic feature of major cycling races like the Amstel Gold Race. Heerlen also boasts scenic countryside routes and picturesque villages, providing a variety of experiences for cyclists. Overall, Heerlen is a fantastic destination for cycling enthusiasts, offering great routes and access to legendary climbs.
Explore the charming town of Eygelshoven, known for its historic buildings and quaint atmosphere. Take a break and soak in the local culture before continuing your gravel adventure.
Bergehalde Gouley183 mPeak
Bergehalde Gouley offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes and a unique outdoor art installation. Capture the beauty of nature and enjoy a moment of contemplation at this enchanting spot.
Stolberg, located in Germany, is a picturesque town with a rich history. Discover its charming streets and visit the medieval castle for a glimpse into the past.
Mulartshütte is a tranquil village surrounded by dense forests. Experience the serenity of nature as you cycle through this idyllic area.
Giersberg364 mPeak
Giersberg offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes. Take a detour from the main route and enjoy the serenity of this hidden gem.
Roetgen, located near the German-Belgian border, offers a thrilling downhill section that will get your heart racing. Feel the rush of adrenaline as you navigate through the twists and turns of this exciting descent.
Höhe413 is a challenging climb that will put your gravel cycling skills to the test. Conquer this epic ascent and enjoy the stunning views at the top.
Elleterberg319 mPeak
Elleterberg is a hidden gem known for its scenic viewpoints. Take a break and admire the panoramic vistas of the surrounding countryside.
Seffent is a small village with picturesque landscapes. Enjoy the tranquility of the area and take a moment to appreciate the beauty of nature.
Finish: Heerlen City center
Heerlen: Cycling bliss and Cauberg challenge in Heerlen.

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