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Kasterlee Challenge

A road cycling route starting from Hilvarenbeek

Embark on a challenging road cycling adventure through Kasterlee and Mol.


Get ready for a challenging road cycling adventure with the Kasterlee Challenge, setting off near Hilvarenbeek. This 101-kilometer route features an ascent of 100 meters, making it suitable for experienced cyclists in search of an exhilarating ride. Highlights along the route include Mol, offering beautiful landscapes and captivating scenery. Witness the majestic charm of Kasterlee and explore the vibrant town center with its lively atmosphere. As you pedal through Weelde, take in the surrounding natural beauty and enjoy the peace it brings. The Kasterlee Challenge provides an invigorating ride filled with breathtaking moments and unique cycling experiences.

101 km
100 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Hilvarenbeek City center
Hilvarenbeek: Conquering the iconic climb in Hilvarenbeek and enjoying scenic cycling routes.
Hilvarenbeek is a town located in the Noord-Brabant province of the Netherlands. It offers a mix of flat terrain and gentle slopes, making it suitable for road and gravel cyclists. Hilvarenbeek is home to the iconic Dutch cycling climb, the Stevige Soldier, which provides a challenging ascent for cyclists. In addition to the famous climb, the town and its surrounding areas offer well-maintained cycling routes that pass through beautiful forests and rural landscapes. Overall, Hilvarenbeek is a recommended destination for cyclists looking for a mixture of challenging climbs and scenic routes.
Waterstraat presents a serene environment with peaceful canals and greenery. Take a moment to relax and enjoy the tranquility of the surroundings.
Netersel is a picturesque village known for its charming farms and beautiful landscapes. Cycle through the area and discover the hidden gems it offers.
Blauwe KeiHamlet
Blauwe Kei is a scenic lake surrounded by lush greenery and peaceful nature. Stop by the lake and soak in the tranquility of the surroundings.
Mol boasts charming streets and a lively town center. Explore the vibrant atmosphere, visit local shops, and experience the hospitality of the locals.
Kasterlee features scenic landscapes with picturesque castles and stunning nature. Marvel at the beauty of the surroundings and capture unforgettable moments.
Weelde offers a rural escape with its natural beauty and tranquility. Cycle through the peaceful countryside and revel in the serenity it provides.
Uitkijktoren is a must-visit observation tower that provides panoramic views of the surrounding area. Enjoy unparalleled vistas from its higher vantage point.
Roovert is a charming village that showcases beautiful architecture and captivating landscapes. Enjoy a serene ride through the peaceful countryside.
Finish: Hilvarenbeek City center
Hilvarenbeek: Conquering the iconic climb in Hilvarenbeek and enjoying scenic cycling routes.

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