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Gateway to Fjords

A road cycling route starting from Tau

Experience the stunning fjords and challenging climbs near Tau


The round-trip cycling routes near Tau provide a perfect combination of breathtaking scenery and challenging terrains. With the majestic Norwegian fjords as your backdrop, be prepared to be amazed at every turn. Whether you choose the gravel or road route, each offers its own unique adventure.

80 km
2465 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Tau Village center
Tau: Epic climbs and breathtaking fjord views in Tau, Norway.
Tau is a locality located in the Vestlandet region of Norway. Cyclists visiting Tau can expect a challenging and mountainous terrain with stunning fjord views. The area is home to the famous Lysebotn Road, which features hairpin bends and steep ascents, attracting both road and gravel cyclists seeking epic climbs. Tau itself offers various cycling routes that allow riders to experience the majestic Norwegian landscapes. With its legendary climbs and breathtaking scenery of fjords, Tau receives a rank of 5 for cyclists.
Located just 10 kilometers into the route, Jørpeland offers a quaint town experience with picturesque views of the mountains and fjords.
Tunglandsfjellet388 mPeak
At 11 kilometers, Tunglandsfjellet is a challenging climb, rewarded with panoramic views of the surrounding landscape and the opportunity to spot local wildlife.
Sokkanuten340 mPeak
Sokkanuten, at 23 kilometers, provides an exhilarating off-road experience with its technical terrain and stunning views of the surrounding valleys.
Barkafjellet419 mPeak
Situated at 74 kilometers, Barkafjellet offers a steady ascent and rewards you with a unique perspective of the fjord from above.
Tau, the starting point of the route, is a delightful coastal town known for its charming setting and water activities.
Finish: Tau Village center
Tau: Epic climbs and breathtaking fjord views in Tau, Norway.

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