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Spectacular Road Safari

A road cycling route starting from Milkowice

Embark on an epic road safari through Dolnośląskie


Prepare for an unforgettable road cycling adventure through the stunning landscapes of Dolnośląskie, Poland. This 104km route offers a challenging ride with significant ascents and scenic rural roads. Suitable for experienced road cyclists, this route guarantees an incredible journey filled with rich history and picturesque views. Discover highlights such as Dobroszów, Zagrodno, Niwy, Skorzynice, Sośnica, Włodzice Wielkie, Kościelna, Kruszyn, and Niedźwiedzice, which offer a diverse range of attractions, including historic sites and charming countryside vistas. Get ready to experience the best of Dolnośląskie on this epic road safari!

104 km
486 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Miłkowice Village center
Miłkowice: Conquer the legendary Wzgórze Brzeźnickie climb in Miłkowice
Located in the Dolnośląskie region of Poland, Miłkowice is a moderately attractive locality for road and gravel cyclists. The area offers rolling hills, rural landscapes, and diverse routes to explore. Nearby, you can find the famous Wzgórze Brzeźnickie climb, which is known for its challenging ascent and stunning views from the top. Miłkowice can be a great base for cycling enthusiasts looking to conquer iconic climbs in the region.
Visit the medieval village of Dobroszów, renowned for its well-preserved historic architecture and charming ambience.
Zagrodno is home to a beautiful palace surrounded by lush greenery. Take a moment to admire the scenery and learn about the area's rich history.
Niwy250 mPeak
Cycle through the picturesque village of Niwy, known for its stunning landscapes and traditional Polish architecture.
Skorzynice is a hidden gem offering breathtaking panoramic views over the surrounding countryside—a perfect spot for a rest and some epic photos.
Sośnica335 mPeak
Sośnica boasts a charming church, dating back to the 14th century. Explore its historical significance and marvel at its architectural beauty.
Włodzice WielkieVillage
Pass by Włodzice Wielkie, a village with a rich history and a picturesque landscape, perfect for capturing memorable photographs.
Kościelna230 mPeak
Discover the ancient church of Kościelna and learn about its historical significance and intricate architectural details.
Located near the village of Kruszyn, you can visit a traditional wooden Manor House Museum that takes you back to the 19th century.
Explore the charming village of Niedźwiedzice with its idyllic countryside landscapes and rustic Polish charm.
Finish: Miłkowice Village center
Miłkowice: Conquer the legendary Wzgórze Brzeźnickie climb in Miłkowice

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Image of Zagrodno

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Image of Wilków

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