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Cycling routes in Podkarpackie

Exploring the scenic routes and challenging climbs of Podkarpackie.

Podkarpackie is a region located in the southeastern part of Poland, offering a diverse landscape for road and gravel cyclists. With its vast countryside filled with rolling hills and mountains, cyclists can enjoy scenic routes and challenging climbs that will test their endurance. The region is rich in natural beauty, including the Bieszczady Mountains and the Carpathian Foothills, providing stunning views along the way. One notable cycling spot is the Poprad Landscape Park, where cyclists can explore its picturesque trails and discover the region's flora and fauna. Podkarpackie also has several cycling events throughout the year, attracting enthusiasts from all over.

Unleash your inner explorer on this thrilling gravel cycling route

102 km
1615 m

Embark on a gravel adventure covering a distance of 102 km with an ascent of 1615m. This route offers a glimpse into the hidden treasures of the Łęki Dukielskie region. With a difficulty rating of 4 out of 5, this route presents a challenge for very well-trained amateurs. The epicness level is 4 out of 5, promising breathtaking views and unforgettable moments. Highlights include Miejsce Piastowe, a quaint village known for its historic charm and cultural heritage, and Dżbyr, a remote village surrounded by dense forests and untouched natural beauty.

Embark on a difficult journey to reach the scenic village of Wola Ociecka.

100 km
394 m

If you're up for a challenge, this road route is perfect for you. Start in Przecław and ride through Rzochów, taking in the stunning mountain views. Continue to Kosowy and enjoy the peaceful countryside before reaching Wola Rusinowska, known for its charming wooden architecture. Finally, conquer the winding roads to reach Wola Ociecka, a hidden gem nestled among the hills. Prepare yourself for a well-deserved sense of accomplishment before completing the loop back to Przecław.

Worth to see in Podkarpackie:

Image of Narol

Cycling Paradise with Mount Szczebel in Narol, Poland

Image of Lesko

Bieszczady Mountains: A Cycling Retreat

Image of Ustrzyki Dolne
Ustrzyki Dolne

Cycling through the captivating Bieszczady Mountains

Image of Iwonicz-Zdrój

Cyclist's paradise with epic climbs in Podkarpackie region, Poland

Image of Łęki Dukielskie
Łęki Dukielskie

Experience the natural beauty and cultural heritage of Łęki Dukielskie while cycling through its idyllic countryside.

Image of Krzemienica

Discover the scenic routes and challenging climbs in Krzemienica, Poland.

A scenic gravel route with historical highlights

46 km
229 m

Embark on a delightful gravel cycling adventure with the Skrzyszów Gravel Loop. This 46-kilometer route features an ascent of 229 meters, making it suitable for all experience levels. As you cycle through charming towns and picturesque landscapes, you'll encounter several highlights that add to the overall appeal of the journey.

Discover the charm of rural Podkarpackie

74 km
393 m

Embark on a journey through picturesque landscapes and rolling hills on this road cycling route. With a moderate climb and a distance of 74 km, this route is perfect for experienced cyclists. Enjoy the scenic beauty of Raniżów, Cholewiana Góra, and Nienadówka along the way.

Conquer the challenging Narol route with its legendary climbs and breathtaking scenery

115 km
830 m

Are you ready for a cycling challenge? The Narol route awaits! With a distance of 115 km and an ascent of 830 m, this road cycling adventure is designed for seasoned cyclists seeking a thrilling challenge. Conquer the legendary climbs of Oseredek and Rogóźno, soak in the panoramic views from Wieża Widokowa Nowiny, and admire the natural beauty of Szopowe and Szewnia Górna. This epic route promises an unforgettable cycling experience in the heart of Podkarpackie.

Worth to see in Podkarpackie:

Image of Odrzykoń

Conquer challenging climbs and admire stunning landscapes in Odrzykoń.

Image of Przecław

A cyclist's haven at the foot of the Bieszczady Mountains.

Image of Białobrzegi

Discover the charming landscapes of Białobrzegi on your bike.

Image of Dydnia

Embark on a cycling adventure amidst the stunning landscapes of Dydnia.

Image of Głuchów

Experience thrilling rides through diverse terrains in Głuchów.

Image of Orzechówka

Immerse yourself in the captivating landscapes of Orzechówka.

Discover the cultural and scenic wonders from Łańcut Castle to Żołynia Górna.

92 km
729 m

Embark on a 92 km road cycling tour that combines cultural heritage and picturesque landscapes. With an ascent of 729 meters, this route is recommended for experienced cyclists seeking a rewarding challenge. Highlights along the way include Łańcut Castle, Chmielnik, Wzgórze Matysa, Trzebownisko, Nienadówka, and the final destination of Żołynia Górna.

Discover the hidden treasures of Podkarpackie on this gravel cycling adventure

93 km
605 m

This challenging gravel route starting near Wysoka is packed with stunning natural beauty and cultural highlights. Prepare to be amazed by the scenic landscapes, charming villages, and rich history of the region. With a total ascent of 605 meters over a distance of 93 kilometers, this route is perfect for experienced amateur cyclists looking for a thrilling ride. The epicness of the journey is rated at 4, making it an unforgettable cycling experience.

Embark on a scenic road cycling journey through the diverse landscapes near Stare Miasto

120 km
495 m

Experience the diversity of the landscapes near Stare Miasto on this scenic road cycling route. From picturesque villages to rolling hills and challenging climbs, this route offers a mix of natural beauty and cycling challenges. With highlights including Leżajsk, a historic town with a well-preserved old town area, and the beautiful Nienadówka nature reserve, this route promises a memorable road cycling experience for enthusiasts. Be prepared for some tough uphill sections, but the rewarding views make it all worth it.

Worth to see in Podkarpackie:

Image of Haczów

Discover scenic rolling hills and enjoy challenging rides in Haczów.

Image of Giedlarowa

Unspoiled beauty and tranquil cycling in Giedlarowa.

Image of Wysoka

Wysoka: Conquer the mountains and explore stunning scenery in Podkarpackie, Poland.

Image of Błażowa

Embark on an incredible cycling journey through the hidden treasures of Błażowa.

Image of Trzebownisko

Cycling-friendly locality near challenging climb of Góra Świętego Rocha in the Podkarpackie region of Poland.

Experience the beauty of Podkarpackie region on this challenging road cycling route

87 km
1048 m

Explore the stunning landscapes of Podkarpackie region on this 87km road cycling route that will take you through picturesque towns and charming countryside. With a total ascent of 1048m, this route is perfect for well-trained amateur cyclists who love a good challenge. Along the way, you'll encounter historic landmarks, breathtaking viewpoints, and beautiful castles.

Embark on a rural gravel journey and discover the hidden village of Książnice.

50 km
111 m

Escape the bustling city life and immerse yourself in the quiet charm of rural Poland with this gravel route. Begin in Przecław and ride towards Trzciana, passing through picturesque countryside. Arrive at Książnice, a hidden village known for its warm hospitality and traditional way of life. Take your time to explore the authentic atmosphere before cycling back to Przecław.

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Image of Észak-Magyarország

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