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Off-Road Adventure to Bożepole Wielkie

A gravel cycling route starting from Gniewino

Embark on an off-road adventure to Bożepole Wielkie


Embark on an off-road adventure from Gniewino to Bożepole Wielkie. Covering a distance of 72 km with an ascent of 614 m, this route offers a thrilling experience for gravel enthusiasts. Discover hidden gems, scenic trails, and fascinating nature along the way.

72 km
614 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Gniewino Village center
Gniewino: Enjoying leisurely rides through scenic rural landscapes.
Gniewino is a small town located in the Pomorskie region of Poland. From a cyclist's perspective, Gniewino offers mainly flat terrain with scenic rural roads, making it suitable for leisurely rides or long-distance cycling. The area is surrounded by farmland, forests, and charming villages, providing pleasant scenery for cyclists. Gniewino is also known for hosting various sporting events, including the popular Tour de Pologne, which attracts professional cyclists from around the world. Overall, Gniewino is a cyclist-friendly locale with beautiful countryside surroundings.
Chynowie: Pass through the quaint village of Chynowie, surrounded by beautiful countryside and traditional architecture.
Bożepole WielkieVillage
Bożepole Wielkie: Discover the rustic charm of Bożepole Wielkie, a rural village with a rich history and natural beauty.
Dąbrowa Góra210 mPeak
Dąbrowa Góra: Marvel at the panoramic views from Dąbrowa Góra, a hill located along the route.
Lubowidz: Explore Lubowidz, a small village known for its medieval castle and stunning views over the surrounding area.
Rybacka Góra92 mPeak
Rybacka Góra: Enjoy the beauty of Rybacka Góra, a hill offering panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes.
Kisewo: Cycle through Kisewo, a village surrounded by rolling hills and picturesque landscapes.
Pużyce: Pass through the peaceful village of Pużyce, which offers a tranquil setting surrounded by beautiful nature.
Finish: Gniewino Village center
Gniewino: Enjoying leisurely rides through scenic rural landscapes.

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