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Gems of Grzmiąca

A road cycling route starting from Bobolice

Discover the hidden gems of Grzmiąca on this road cycling route near Bobolice.


Embark on an unforgettable journey into the heart of Grzmiąca. This 107-kilometer road cycling route offers a varied terrain and showcases the area's natural beauty. With an ascent of 522 meters, the route provides a challenging adventure for cycling enthusiasts. Along the way, you'll encounter highlights that tell the story of Grzmiąca's rich heritage and offer stunning views of the surrounding landscapes.

107 km
522 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Bobolice City center
Bobolice: Cycling Paradise Amidst Majestic Landscapes in Bobolice
Bobolice, a town in Zachodniopomorskie, Poland, is a fantastic locality for road and gravel cyclists. The region boasts rolling hills, verdant landscapes, and quiet country roads, making it an ideal destination for peaceful and scenic rides. Additionally, Bobolice is famous for its well-known climbs, including the challenging Bobolice Hill. With its cyclist-friendly routes and striking natural beauty, Bobolice is a haven for avid cyclists seeking a memorable riding experience.
Grzmiąca is home to a captivating castle that dates back centuries. Explore the grounds and marvel at its architectural elegance as you delve into the region's history.
Piaskowa Góra168 mPeak
Piaskowa Góra offers a thrilling uphill challenge for cyclists. Take on this legendary climb and test your endurance as you conquer the steep ascent.
Osówko awaits with its mesmerizing landscapes and tranquil ambiance. Take a moment to enjoy the panoramic views and appreciate the natural beauty that surrounds you.
Dobrociechy, a highlight along the route, beckons with its serene charm. Immerse yourself in the peaceful countryside and soak in the idyllic atmosphere.
Finish: Bobolice City center
Bobolice: Cycling Paradise Amidst Majestic Landscapes in Bobolice

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