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Gorgeous Gorganul

A gravel cycling route starting from Miercurea Sibiului

Experience the breathtaking beauty of Gorganul Drașov and the surrounding countryside on this captivating gravel route.


The Gorgeous Gorganul route offers an epic gravel adventure through the stunning countryside near Miercurea Sibiului. This 95 km route provides a thrilling challenge with a total ascent of 890 meters. Highlights along the route include the charming village of Cunța, the majestic Gorganul Drașov, the picturesque village of Ghirbom, the tranquil village of Păuca, the remote village of Doștat, and the hidden gem of Sângătin. Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the region as you conquer diverse terrain, from gravel roads to challenging climbs.

95 km
890 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Miercurea Sibiului City center
Miercurea Sibiului: Challenging climbs and cycling events in the mountainous region.
Miercurea Sibiului is a town located in the Centru region of Romania. For road cyclists, Miercurea Sibiului offers challenging climbs in the nearby mountains, such as Păltiniș and Cindrel, which are renowned among local cyclists. The region is also well-suited for gravel cycling, with a variety of off-road trails and paths to explore. Additionally, Miercurea Sibiului hosts various cycling events throughout the year, attracting both amateur and professional cyclists. This makes it a popular destination for cyclists looking for challenging terrain and competitive races. Overall, Miercurea Sibiului is a great locality for both road and gravel cycling enthusiasts, especially those who enjoy climbing.
Discover the beauty of Cunța, a village situated at the base of the Cindrel Mountains, offering stunning panoramic views.
Gorganul Drașov401 mPeak
Experience the legendary Gorganul Drașov, a challenging climb that attracts cyclists from all over Romania.
Admire the picturesque village of Ghirbom, known for its traditional wooden houses and serene natural surroundings.
Explore the tranquil village of Păuca, set amidst rolling hills and ancient forests, offering a sense of serenity.
Discover the remote village of Doștat, famous for its untouched landscapes and traditional way of life.
Visit the hidden gem of Sângătin, a small village tucked away in a picturesque valley, showcasing the beauty of rural Romania.
Finish: Miercurea Sibiului City center
Miercurea Sibiului: Challenging climbs and cycling events in the mountainous region.

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