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The Titel Adventure

A gravel cycling route starting from Centa

Embark on an epic gravel adventure to Titel and discover the beauty of Vojvodina.


Embark on a thrilling 107 km gravel adventure to the historic village of Titel, starting near Čenta. With an ascent of 98 meters, this route offers an exhilarating experience for gravel enthusiasts. Highlights along the route include the majestic Titel Fortress, which dates back to the 13th century and offers panoramic views of the surrounding area. Explore Lukino Selo, a charming village with a traditional way of life, and immerse yourself in the tranquility of Perlez, surrounded by beautiful vineyards. Don't miss the opportunity to taste the local cuisine and explore the vibrant culture of Vojvodina.

107 km
98 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Чента Village center
Čenta: Cycling haven in Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Serbia
Čenta in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Serbia is a cyclist's dream. The region offers a variety of road and gravel routes, perfect for both recreational and professional cyclists. The picturesque landscapes and charming villages make the rides even more enjoyable. Nearby, there are famous climbs like Vaskovo, making it an attractive destination for cycling enthusiasts. Čenta is definitely a must-visit for any cyclist.
Titel Fortress is a must-visit attraction, offering a glimpse into the region's rich history.
Lukino SeloVillage
Lukino Selo is a charming village with traditional architecture and a relaxed atmosphere.
Discover the beauty of Perlez, surrounded by vineyards and offering a peaceful escape from the city.
Finish: Чента Village center
Čenta: Cycling haven in Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Serbia

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