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Oyón Loop

A road cycling route starting from Fuenmayor

Explore the scenic beauty around Oyón-Oion on this road cycling route


Experience the scenic beauty of Oyón-Oion and its surroundings with this road cycling route starting near Fuenmayor. The route takes you through picturesque landscapes and charming towns, showcasing the natural and cultural splendor of the region. Starting from Fuenmayor, you'll pass through Rivacavera, a small village boasting traditional architecture and peaceful countryside views. As you continue your ride, Oyón-Oion offers a delightful blend of vineyards, rolling hills, and historical landmarks. Experience the Mirador del León Dormido, a viewpoint that provides an impressive panoramic view of the surrounding area, including the iconic Sierra de Cantabria mountain range. Veer through Monte Cantabria, a stunning natural gem that astounds with its breathtaking landscapes. Concluding in Logroño, known as the capital of La Rioja, you'll find a vibrant city rich in history, culture, and culinary delights. This route offers a perfect balance of challenging cycling stretches, scenic beauty, and cultural exploration.

67 km
821 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Fuenmayor Village center
Fuenmayor: Cycling and Wine Tasting in Fuenmayor
Fuenmayor is a charming town located in the La Rioja region of Spain. From a cyclist's perspective, the locality offers a mix of road and gravel routes that pass through scenic vineyards and rolling hills. The town is known for its quality Rioja wine production, offering opportunities for wine tasting tours along the cycling routes. Fuenmayor combines the love for cycling with the appreciation for good wine, making it a great destination for cyclists seeking a unique experience.
Fuenmayor acts as a peaceful starting point for this road cycling route, surrounded by vineyards and picturesque landscapes.
Rivacavera518 mPeak
Rivacavera is a small village characterized by its traditional architecture and tranquil countryside, providing a refreshing stop for cyclists to relax and admire nature.
Oyón-Oion offers a blend of vineyards and rolling hills, showcasing the natural beauty of the region while immersing visitors in its rich wine heritage.
Mirador del León DormidoViewpoint
Mirador del León Dormido rewards cyclists with an astounding panoramic view of the surrounding landscape, showcasing the majestic Sierra de Cantabria and its picturesque allure.
Monte Cantabria484 mPeak
Monte Cantabria enchants visitors with its stunning landscapes and provides a wonderful opportunity for cyclists to connect with nature and enjoy the great outdoors.
Logroño, the capital of La Rioja, offers a lively and vibrant atmosphere with its rich history, excellent gastronomy, and cultural attractions, making it a must-visit destination after completing the route.
Finish: Fuenmayor Village center
Fuenmayor: Cycling and Wine Tasting in Fuenmayor

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