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Tunadal Loop

A road cycling route starting from Johannedal

Immerse yourself in the natural beauty surrounding Tunadal


The Tunadal Loop takes you on a scenic journey through the stunning natural landscapes surrounding Tunadal in Mellersta Norrland, Sweden. With a distance of 48 kilometers and an ascent of 313 meters, the route is suitable for both road and gravel bikes. The Tunadal Loop offers a perfect mix of picturesque countryside and peaceful forest roads, providing a delightful biking experience for all skill levels. As you ride along the route, be sure to take in the breathtaking views of Sundsvallsfjärden and explore the enchanting Dingersjö nature reserve. Tunadal itself, with its idyllic charm, is worth a visit as well.

48 km
313 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Locality center
Johannedal: Cycling Paradise in Mellersta Norrland, Sweden
Johannedal, situated in Mellersta Norrland region of Sweden, is a cyclist's haven with its tranquil roads and breathtaking natural beauty. The locality offers several cycling routes suitable for both road and gravel cyclists, allowing them to immerse themselves in the serene landscapes and picturesque forests. Cyclists can explore the nearby rivers and lakes, adding a refreshing element to their rides. One of the notable cycling spots near Johannedal is Kläppberget, a well-known climb that attracts cyclists looking for a challenging ascent.
Tunadal is a quaint village surrounded by lush green landscapes and offers a peaceful ambiance, perfect for a relaxing break.
Sundsvallsfjärden is a picturesque bay with clear waters and stunning views, providing an excellent spot for a scenic rest.
Dingersjö boasts a diverse ecosystem, including ancient forests, beautiful lakes, and abundant wildlife.
Nolbykullen180 mPeak
Nolbykullen presents visitors with beautiful nature trails and panoramic viewpoints, allowing you to immerse yourself in the region's natural beauty.
Fläsian is a peaceful lake surrounded by serene surroundings and offers a tranquil setting for relaxation and reflection.
Sundsvall, located near the route, offers a charming cityscape with a fascinating mix of modern architecture and historical landmarks.
Överkorsta showcases the scenic countryside of Sweden, with rolling hills and expansive fields, providing a picturesque setting for a bike ride.
Finish: Locality center
Johannedal: Cycling Paradise in Mellersta Norrland, Sweden

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