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Nature's Tranquility

A road cycling route starting from Kramfors

A scenic road route immersed in the tranquility of Mellersta Norrland's landscapes


Experience the serenity and beauty of Mellersta Norrland on this 129-kilometer road cycling route. With an ascent of 656 meters, it offers a balanced mix of challenges and enchanting landscapes. As you pedal through quiet roads and picturesque villages, you'll be surrounded by lush forests and pristine lakes, providing a peaceful and rejuvenating experience.

129 km
656 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Kramfors City center
Kramfors: Captivating landscapes and access to popular climbs.
Kramfors is a locality situated in Mellersta Norrland, Sweden. The region offers a range of cycling routes that cater to both road and gravel enthusiasts. Kramfors' biking trails meander through the area's captivating landscapes, passing by rivers, forests, and serene countryside. The locality is known for its cycling-friendly amenities, making it an ideal base for exploring the Mellersta Norrland region. Notably, the nearby ascent to Skuleskogen National Park is a renowned climb that attracts cyclists seeking a challenge. With its beautiful scenery and excellent cycling infrastructure, Kramfors is a top destination for cyclists looking to immerse themselves in natural beauty.
Bollstabruk is a charming town with winding streets, red-roofed houses, and a rich industrial history waiting to be explored.
Prästmon is a historical site showcasing the remnants of an ancient church and is an ideal spot for a quiet moment of reflection amidst nature.
Sollefteå is a welcoming town renowned for its friendly locals, unique shops, and remarkable architecture, offering a glimpse into the region's cultural heritage.
Norrlands is a vast wilderness that showcases Sweden's untamed beauty, with its cascading waterfalls, dense forests, and stunning wildlife.
Multrå is a tranquil village surrounded by lush green landscapes and sparkling lakes, providing a serene atmosphere ideal for relaxation and contemplation.
Styrnäs is a delightful village known for its beautiful wooden houses and picturesque surroundings, making it a perfect stop for photographers.
Nyland is a coastal village showcasing the region's maritime culture, with charming fishing boats and delicious seafood restaurants.
Björstberget80 mPeak
Björstberget offers breathtaking views of rolling hills and pristine forests, making it a favorite spot for nature enthusiasts and photographers.
Finish: Kramfors City center
Kramfors: Captivating landscapes and access to popular climbs.

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