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Davidshyttan Loop

A gravel cycling route starting from Brunna

Explore the picturesque surroundings of Davidshyttan on this scenic gravel route.


Enjoy a scenic gravel ride through beautiful countryside and charming villages on this Davidshyttan Loop. With a distance of 62 km and an ascent of 559 m, this route is suitable for experienced cyclists. It offers a chance to discover the historic town of Hedemora and enjoy breathtaking views from Pellesberg. The route also passes by Nordansjö, where you can take a break and admire the stunning lakeside scenery. Overall, this route provides a great mix of natural beauty and cultural attractions.

62 km
559 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Hedemora City center
Brunna: Cycling Paradise in Norra Mellansverige, Sweden
Brunna is a cyclist-friendly locality situated in Norra Mellansverige, Sweden. It offers a variety of cycling routes suitable for road and gravel cyclists. The roads are generally in good condition and provide stunning views of the surrounding landscape. Brunna is known for its proximity to the famous Vätternrundan route, which attracts cyclists from all over the world. The locality also offers excellent cycling facilities and amenities, making it an ideal destination for cycling enthusiasts. Overall, Brunna is a cyclist's paradise with its scenic routes and world-renowned cycling event.
Located along the route, Davidshyttan is known for its historic ironworks and charming cottages. Take a moment to explore this picturesque village and immerse yourself in its rich history.
Make a stop at Nordansjö and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of this scenic lake. Take in the beautiful views and maybe even dip your toes in the water to cool off before continuing your ride.
Pellesberg213 mPeak
Climb up to Pellesberg and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. Take a moment to soak in the breathtaking scenery and snap some memorable photos.
Located in Hedemora, this historic town offers plenty of attractions to explore. Visit the charming streets, historic buildings, and enjoy the vibrant local culture.
Finish: Hedemora City center
Brunna: Cycling Paradise in Norra Mellansverige, Sweden

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