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Enjoy moderately challenging routes amidst rolling hills and scenic countryside views.

Cycling routes from Graengesberg

Grängesberg is a locality in the Norra Mellansverige region of Sweden. As a road and gravel cyclist, Grängesberg provides decent cycling options. The area is characterized by rolling hills and scenic countryside views. While there may not be any iconic climbs in immediate proximity, there are some challenging roads that can be explored. Overall, Grängesberg is a suitable destination for cyclists seeking moderately challenging routes with beautiful landscapes.

Take on a challenging and breathtaking cycling route through Norra Mellansverige

145 km
1196 m

Embark on an epic cycling journey through Norra Mellansverige, Sweden. This route promises a thrilling experience for road cycling enthusiasts, with stunning scenery, challenging climbs, and fascinating highlights along the way. As you pedal through the rugged landscapes of Grängesberg and beyond, you'll be rewarded with breathtaking views and encounters with the rich cultural heritage of the region.

Escape to the idyllic countryside of Grängesberg on an exciting gravel cycling adventure.

40 km
323 m

Embark on a scenic gravel cycling tour through the beautiful countryside surrounding Grängesberg. This route will lead you through charming villages, rolling hills, and stunning landscapes, all while providing the thrilling challenge of off-road riding. With its mix of stunning natural beauty and cultural highlights, this route promises a memorable and rewarding cycling experience.

Discover the charm of Norhyttan on this road cycling route

47 km
312 m

Experience the beauty of Norra Mellansverige on this road cycling route starting near Grängesberg. Norhyttan, with its historic buildings and scenic surroundings, will captivate every cyclist. The route covers a distance of 47 km and features moderate ascents, making it suitable for amateur cyclists. Along the way, you will be treated to picturesque views and the tranquility of the Swedish countryside.

Explore the beautiful road cycling route near Grängesberg

70 km
334 m

This road cycling route near Grängesberg offers a delightful journey through the scenic landscapes of Norra Mellansverige. With an ascent of 334 meters and a distance of 70 kilometers, this route is suitable for moderately experienced cyclists. The highlights along the route include Saxdalen, Uvberget, Grangärde, Lekomberg, Sörvik, Ludvika, Gonäs, and Grängesberg.

Take on the Säfsen gravel challenge starting from Grängesberg

106 km
837 m

The Säfsen gravel challenge awaits those seeking an adrenaline-fueled cycling adventure. This 106 km route takes you through diverse terrains and demanding ascents, promising an exhilarating ride. Starting from Grängesberg, you will encounter breathtaking landscapes and conquer challenging trails. This route is best suited for experienced gravel cyclists looking to push their limits.

Experience the beauty of Saxdalen on this road cycling route

186 km
1159 m

This road cycling route takes you through the scenic landscapes of Norra Mellansverige. Starting near Grängesberg, you will ride through picturesque villages and enjoy stunning views of the surrounding nature. Saxdalen, with its charming atmosphere, is sure to leave you in awe. The route includes challenging ascents and covers a distance of 186 km. It is ideal for well-trained amateur cyclists looking to test their skills in a beautiful setting.

Embark on a challenging road cycling adventure with stunning landscapes and fascinating highlights.

78 km
539 m

Prepare for a scenic and challenging road cycling adventure with the Lernbo Loop. This route will lead you through a mix of quiet country roads, picturesque landscapes, and charming villages. With its moderate difficulty level and beautiful surroundings, this ride is perfect for experienced cyclists looking for a thrilling challenge while enjoying the breathtaking beauty of Norra Mellansverige.

Embark on a gravel adventure exploring the countryside around Grängesberg.

80 km
650 m

Unleash your adventurous spirit and explore the picturesque countryside surrounding Grängesberg on this thrilling gravel adventure. You'll encounter idyllic villages, captivating landscapes, and challenging terrain as you pedal through this off-road cycling paradise. With its mix of cultural highlights and natural beauty, this route promises an unforgettable cycling experience.

Explore the thrilling terrain of Abborrbacksberget on an exhilarating gravel cycling adventure.

70 km
577 m

Let your wheels conquer the challenging gravel tracks of Abborrbacksberget, offering a thrilling and adrenaline-pumping adventure. Encounter picturesque landscapes, quaint villages, and breathtaking vistas as you navigate through this cycling paradise. With its mix of difficulty and awe-inspiring natural beauty, this route guarantees an unforgettable experience for gravel enthusiasts.

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