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Scenic cycling paradise in Skinnskatteberg, Sweden.

Cycling routes from Skinnskatteberg

Skinnskatteberg, situated in Östra Mellansverige, Sweden, offers a picturesque cycling experience with its beautiful landscapes and peaceful atmosphere. The locality is known for its scenic roads and charming countryside, providing an ideal setting for road and gravel cyclists. Skinnskatteberg is home to the Kinnarberget climb, a challenging ascent that offers incredible views from the top. Cyclists can also enjoy peaceful rides along well-maintained roads, surrounded by lush forests and scenic countryside. With its cycling-friendly environment and stunning landscapes, Skinnskatteberg deserves a ranking of 4.

Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature on this scenic gravel cycling trail

84 km
864 m

This gravel cycling route starting from Skinnskatteberg will enchant riders with its scenic landscapes and natural wonders. With a distance of 84 km and an ascent of 864 meters, this challenging trail is suited for experienced gravel cyclists. Along the way, you'll pass highlights such as Godkärra, Nykolningskullarna, Söderbärke, Bråfors, Norra Jättåsen, and Hanaberg. These spots provide breathtaking views of forests, hills, and cultural sights. Whether you're a nature enthusiast or an avid cyclist, this route will take you on an unforgettable adventure into the heart of Sweden's natural beauty.

Scenic road cycling with challenging climbs

75 km
569 m

Experience the thrill of road cycling on this challenging route that takes you to the highest point in the Östra Mellansverige region. Starting at Malingsklack, you'll face steep climbs and exhilarating descents as you traverse the winding roads. The route covers a distance of 75km with a total ascent of 569m. Along the way, enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes and the opportunity to spot local wildlife.

Embark on a thrilling road cycling adventure through the picturesque landscapes of Skinnskatteberg

123 km
1103 m

Unleash the road cyclist within you with this epic 123-kilometer route near Skinnskatteberg. As you pedal through the diverse terrain, prepare to be captivated by the beauty of Röda Jorden and Ramsberg. Challenge yourself with the grueling climb in Stråssa before descending towards the charming town of Kopparberg. The final leg of the journey takes you to Malingsbo, a renowned destination among outdoor enthusiasts. With an ascent of 1103 meters, this road cycling adventure promises to test your skills and offer unparalleled natural beauty.

Embark on a thrilling gravel cycling adventure among scenic hills and majestic forests

45 km
426 m

This gravel cycling route near Skinnskatteberg offers a thrilling adventure through the region's hilly terrain and enchanting forests. With a distance of 45 km and an ascent of 426 meters, it provides a moderate challenge suitable for gravel biking enthusiasts. Along the way, you'll encounter highlights such as Godkärra, Lysenberget, and Orrberget. These spots offer breathtaking scenery and allow you to immerse yourself in nature. Whether you're a seasoned gravel cyclist or a beginner looking for an exciting off-road experience, this route guarantees a memorable journey.

Immerse yourself in breathtaking panoramas on this scenic road cycling tour

118 km
982 m

This road cycling route starting from Skinnskatteberg invites you to ride through picturesque landscapes and witness breathtaking panoramas. Covering a distance of 118 km and with an ascent of 982 meters, this route provides a moderate challenge suitable for well-trained amateurs. Along the way, you'll encounter highlights such as Skinnskatteberg, Torrvallsberget, Kolsva, Sandviksbacken, Spannarboda, Lindesberg, Hökaberget, and Riddarhyttan. These spots offer stunning views of the surrounding countryside and showcase the region's natural beauty. Whether you're a local cyclist or an adventurous traveler, this route guarantees an unforgettable experience.

Explore the wilderness of Östra Mellansverige

58 km
497 m

Embark on this challenging gravel route that takes you through the stunning wilderness of Östra Mellansverige. Starting at the historic Bäckegruvan, cycle through dense forests and past shimmering lakes. The route covers a distance of 58km with a total ascent of 497m. Challenge yourself as you conquer rugged terrain and soak in the untouched natural beauty of the region.

Gravel adventure through mining history

61 km
523 m

This gravel route takes you through the historic mining sites near Skinnskatteberg. Explore the old mines, including Bäckegruvan and Röda Jorden, while enjoying the scenic gravel roads of Östra Mellansverige. The route offers a moderate challenge with a total ascent of 523m over a distance of 61km. As you cycle through the picturesque landscapes, you'll be treated to a unique perspective of the region's industrial past.

Conquer demanding roads and enjoy stunning landscapes

115 km
970 m

Embark on this epic road cycling journey that will test your skills and endurance. Starting at Riddarhyttan, you'll tackle challenging ascents and thrilling descents as you make your way to the scenic Malingsbo area. The 115km route boasts a total ascent of 970m, making it perfect for experienced riders seeking a serious challenge. Along the way, enjoy the breathtaking natural beauty of the Östra Mellansverige region.

Discover the region's history while traversing scenic landscapes on this road cycling route

60 km
432 m

This road cycling route near Skinnskatteberg takes you on a journey through both history and natural beauty. With a distance of 60 km and an ascent of 432 meters, it offers a moderate challenge suitable for amateur cyclists. Along the way, you'll encounter highlights such as Skinnskatteberg, Torrvallsberget, Röda Jorden, and Riddarhyttan. These spots offer insights into the region's mining past and provide scenic views of the surrounding landscapes. As you pedal through the picturesque countryside, you'll be able to combine your love for cycling with an appreciation for history.

Discover a route filled with picturesque lakes and historic mines

154 km
999 m

This road cycling route starting near Skinnskatteberg takes you on a journey through beautiful landscapes and historical sites. With a total distance of 154 km and an ascent of 999 meters, it offers a moderate challenge for well-trained amateurs. Along the way, you'll have the opportunity to explore highlights such as Skinnskatteberg, Färna, Kolsva, Medåker, Lindesberg, Hökaberget, Röda Jorden, and Bäckegruvan. These places provide insights into the region's mining history and offer scenic views of lakes and natural surroundings. Overall, this route offers a unique blend of nature and cultural heritage.

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