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Exploring History through Scenic Landscapes

A road cycling route starting from Skinnskatteberg

Discover the region's history while traversing scenic landscapes on this road cycling route


This road cycling route near Skinnskatteberg takes you on a journey through both history and natural beauty. With a distance of 60 km and an ascent of 432 meters, it offers a moderate challenge suitable for amateur cyclists. Along the way, you'll encounter highlights such as Skinnskatteberg, Torrvallsberget, Röda Jorden, and Riddarhyttan. These spots offer insights into the region's mining past and provide scenic views of the surrounding landscapes. As you pedal through the picturesque countryside, you'll be able to combine your love for cycling with an appreciation for history.

60 km
432 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Skinnskatteberg City center
Skinnskatteberg: Scenic cycling paradise in Skinnskatteberg, Sweden.
Skinnskatteberg, situated in Östra Mellansverige, Sweden, offers a picturesque cycling experience with its beautiful landscapes and peaceful atmosphere. The locality is known for its scenic roads and charming countryside, providing an ideal setting for road and gravel cyclists. Skinnskatteberg is home to the Kinnarberget climb, a challenging ascent that offers incredible views from the top. Cyclists can also enjoy peaceful rides along well-maintained roads, surrounded by lush forests and scenic countryside. With its cycling-friendly environment and stunning landscapes, Skinnskatteberg deserves a ranking of 4.
Skinnskatteberg is the starting point of the route and offers charming vistas beyond the town's idyllic setting.
Torrvallsberget136 mPeak
Torrvallsberget treats cyclists with scenic overlooks where they can admire the beauty of the surrounding landscapes.
Röda JordenAttraction
Röda Jorden is an intriguing historical site showcasing remnants of former iron ore mines, providing a glimpse into the region's mining past.
Riddarhyttan offers a pleasant atmosphere with its small lake, making it an ideal spot for a rest while enjoying the peaceful surroundings.
Finish: Skinnskatteberg City center
Skinnskatteberg: Scenic cycling paradise in Skinnskatteberg, Sweden.

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