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Skinnskatteberg Road Adventure

A road cycling route starting from Skinnskatteberg

Embark on a thrilling road cycling adventure through the picturesque landscapes of Skinnskatteberg


Unleash the road cyclist within you with this epic 123-kilometer route near Skinnskatteberg. As you pedal through the diverse terrain, prepare to be captivated by the beauty of Röda Jorden and Ramsberg. Challenge yourself with the grueling climb in Stråssa before descending towards the charming town of Kopparberg. The final leg of the journey takes you to Malingsbo, a renowned destination among outdoor enthusiasts. With an ascent of 1103 meters, this road cycling adventure promises to test your skills and offer unparalleled natural beauty.

123 km
1103 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Skinnskatteberg City center
Skinnskatteberg: Scenic cycling paradise in Skinnskatteberg, Sweden.
Skinnskatteberg, situated in Östra Mellansverige, Sweden, offers a picturesque cycling experience with its beautiful landscapes and peaceful atmosphere. The locality is known for its scenic roads and charming countryside, providing an ideal setting for road and gravel cyclists. Skinnskatteberg is home to the Kinnarberget climb, a challenging ascent that offers incredible views from the top. Cyclists can also enjoy peaceful rides along well-maintained roads, surrounded by lush forests and scenic countryside. With its cycling-friendly environment and stunning landscapes, Skinnskatteberg deserves a ranking of 4.
Röda JordenAttraction
Röda Jorden boasts vibrant red soil and serves as a canvas for stunning sunsets. Immerse yourself in the picturesque surroundings as you pedal through this remarkable area.
As you reach Ramsberg, be captivated by its charming lakeside location and historical architecture. Take a moment to soak in the serenity of this scenic spot.
Stråssa presents a challenging climb that rewards you with breathtaking views at the summit. Push yourself to conquer this exhilarating feat.
Kopparberg is a quaint town known for its rich copper mining history. Explore its streets lined with colorful houses and visit the local attractions for a true cultural experience.
A visit to Malingsbo showcases the unspoiled beauty of the region. Nestled amidst lush forests and pristine lakes, it offers countless opportunities for outdoor adventures.
Finish: Skinnskatteberg City center
Skinnskatteberg: Scenic cycling paradise in Skinnskatteberg, Sweden.

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