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Kolsva Gravel Adventure

A gravel cycling route starting from Koeping

Embark on a challenging gravel adventure from Kolsva, exploring the natural beauty of the surrounding area.


Challenge yourself to an 86-kilometer gravel adventure starting from Kolsva, a picturesque village near Köping. This route is designed for experienced cyclists seeking a thrilling ride through diverse terrain. As you conquer the challenging ascent of 548 meters, you'll be rewarded with breathtaking panoramic views over the countryside. Along the way, discover Karmansbo, a tranquil village with traditional Swedish wooden houses. At Färna, immerse yourself in nature and enjoy the peacefulness of the surrounding forests. Before concluding the journey, indulge in awe-inspiring views at Bruket, a scenic ridge offering sweeping vistas. This epic gravel adventure showcases the raw beauty of the Swedish wilderness and is not to be missed by gravel enthusiasts.

86 km
548 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Köping City center
Köping: Bike through Charming Landscapes in Köping, Sweden
Köping, located in Sweden's Östra Mellansverige region, offers a delightful cycling experience for road and gravel cyclists. The region features a mix of rolling hills, forests, and serene lakes, providing a scenic backdrop for cycling adventures. Cyclists can explore the charming countryside and discover picturesque routes suitable for various skill levels. Additionally, Köping is famous for hosting the iconic Vätternrundan cycling event, attracting thousands of participants each year. With its beautiful landscapes and cycling-friendly culture, Köping is a top choice for cyclists visiting Sweden.
Kolsva Church, dating back to the 13th century, is an architectural gem and holds cultural significance within the local community.
Karmansbo, a quaint village with traditional red cottages, provides a tranquil and charming atmosphere to enjoy a break.
Färna Nature Reserve offers pristine forests and peaceful trails. Experience the tranquility of the wilderness as you pass through this natural sanctuary.
Flybergen150 mPeak
Flybergen is a beautiful hilly area offering stunning vistas of the surrounding landscapes. Enjoy the challenge of the uphill ride, knowing that breathtaking views await.
Bruket Ridge features an exhilarating climb and rewards cyclists with breathtaking panoramic views. Take a moment to soak in the beauty of the Swedish countryside from this vantage point.
Finish: Köping City center
Köping: Bike through Charming Landscapes in Köping, Sweden

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