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Östra Mellansverige Road Cycling Route

A road cycling route starting from Ljungsbro

Embark on a scenic road cycling journey through the breathtaking landscapes of Östra Mellansverige


This road cycling route offers a mix of challenging climbs and serene countryside views, making it perfect for experienced cyclists. With a total ascent of 381 meters and a distance of 72 kilometers, this route will test your endurance and skills. Discover highlights such as Borensberg, Romestadklint, Tjällmo, and Nummerbergen, where you can take a break and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the region.

72 km
381 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Ljungsbro Village center
Ljungsbro: Diverse cycling routes amidst serene countryside and beautiful lakes.
Ljungsbro is a locality in Östra Mellansverige, Sweden. For road and gravel cyclists, Ljungsbro offers a variety of cycling routes with diverse terrains. The area has both flat stretches and hilly sections, providing options for different cycling preferences. Cyclists can enjoy the serene countryside along the routes and explore the beautiful lakes in the vicinity. Ljungsbro is also home to the iconic Svartådalen Nature Reserve, offering stunning scenery and wildlife encounters. Overall, Ljungsbro is a great destination for cyclists seeking a mix of challenging roads and natural beauty.
Borensberg is a charming town situated along the banks of the Göta Canal. Stop by one of the local cafés and savor the delicious Swedish pastries while enjoying the view of passing boats.
Romestadklint101 mPeak
Romestadklint offers stunning vistas of the surrounding countryside. Take a moment to enjoy the tranquility and capture some breathtaking photos.
Tjällmo is a charming village known for its traditional architecture and idyllic setting. Explore the narrow streets and discover hidden gems along the way.
Nummerbergen102 mPeak
Nummerbergen is a popular spot for outdoor enthusiasts. Take a detour from the main route and hike to the top of the hill for panoramic views of Östra Mellansverige.
Finish: Ljungsbro Village center
Ljungsbro: Diverse cycling routes amidst serene countryside and beautiful lakes.

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