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Älvsbyn Loop

A road cycling route starting from AElvsbyn

An adventurous road cycling loop starting from Älvsbyn


The Älvsbyn Loop is a challenging road cycling route that takes you through stunning landscapes near Älvsbyn. With a total distance of 159 km and an ascent of 1194 m, this route offers an exciting challenge for well-trained amateur cyclists. The Älvsbyn Loop is a popular choice for cycling enthusiasts looking to test their endurance and enjoy the beauty of the Övre Norrland region. Along the way, you'll encounter picturesque highlights such as Djupdal, Önusberget, Långträsk, Koler, and return to the starting point in Älvsbyn.

159 km
1194 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Älvsbyn City center
Älvsbyn: Embark on a memorable cycling journey through the captivating landscapes of Älvsbyn, Sweden.
Älvsbyn, located in Övre Norrland, Sweden, is a great locality for road and gravel cyclists. The area offers a combination of picturesque landscapes, tranquil surroundings, and varied terrains that cater to different cycling preferences. Älvsbyn is surrounded by pristine forests, serene lakes, and rolling hills, providing cyclists with an enjoyable and peaceful riding experience. The roads in Älvsbyn are well-maintained and relatively car-free, ensuring a safe cycling environment. Cyclists can also explore the nearby Pite River and indulge in activities such as kayaking or fishing. For those seeking renowned climbs, Kebnekaise mountain poses a challenge worth conquering. Älvsbyn is an ideal destination for cyclists seeking a blend of natural beauty and cycling-friendly infrastructure.
Djupdal263 mPeak
Visit the charming village of Djupdal which is known for its traditional wooden houses and scenic surroundings.
Önusberget377 mPeak
Climb Önusberget and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding forests and lakes.
Pass through the small village of Långträsk and experience its peaceful atmosphere and beautiful landscapes.
Stop by Koler, a historic site with remnants of an old ironworks and learn about the region's industrial past.
Explore the city of Älvsbyn, known for its friendly community and vibrant cultural scene.
Finish: Älvsbyn City center
Älvsbyn: Embark on a memorable cycling journey through the captivating landscapes of Älvsbyn, Sweden.

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