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Zollikofen to Kirchlindach Gravel Route

A gravel cycling route starting from Urtenen

Discover the rural beauty from Zollikofen to Kirchlindach


Get ready to explore the stunning landscapes of Espace Mittelland on this gravel route, covering a distance of 41 km and an elevation gain of 496 meters. Highlights include Zollikofen town, Bawartenhubel offering scenic views, Zälglihubel providing a unique vantage point, Frauenkappelen village showcasing traditional Swiss architecture, and Kirchlindach with its tranquil atmosphere.

41 km
496 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Urtenen Village center
Urtenen: Picturesque countryside and cultural attractions for cycling enthusiasts.
Urtenen is a region located in the Espace Mittelland in Switzerland. It provides diverse options for road and gravel cyclists. The region features rolling hills and picturesque countryside, making it a pleasant area to explore on two wheels. A notable cycling spot nearby is the Emmental region, famous for its serene landscapes and charming villages. Cyclists can enjoy riding through the countryside and experiencing the local culture. Overall, Urtenen is a cyclist-friendly locality with scenic routes and cultural attractions.
Zollikofen is a historic town with charming streets
Bawartenhubel571 mPeak
Bawartenhubel offers stunning panoramic views of Espace Mittelland
Zälglihubel560 mPeak
Zälglihubel provides a great spot for rest and relaxation
Frauenkappelen showcases traditional Swiss architecture and culture
Kirchlindach offers a peaceful and scenic environment
Finish: Urtenen Village center
Urtenen: Picturesque countryside and cultural attractions for cycling enthusiasts.

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