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Picturesque Landscapes and Alpine Adventure

Cycling routes from Netstal

Netstal is a locality located in the Ostschweiz region of Switzerland. Netstal offers a range of cycling routes through picturesque landscapes, charming villages, and serene lakes. As a cyclist, you can enjoy rolling hills and pleasant descents in this scenic region. Additionally, Netstal is an excellent starting point for exploring the Glarus region and Bergün, which is renowned for its cycling-friendly routes and stunning alpine scenery. With its idyllic surroundings and cycling opportunities, Netstal is a fantastic choice for road and gravel cyclists.

A short gravel route offering a challenging climb and stunning views of the countryside.

27 km
150 m

This 27 km gravel route starting near Netstal is perfect for cyclists seeking a short but exhilarating challenge. With a total ascent of 150 meters, it is suitable for cyclists of all levels looking for a taste of Swiss nature and breathtaking views.

Embark on a gravel adventure through Glarus and Einsiedeln.

114 km
3259 m

This challenging gravel route covers a distance of 114 km with a total ascent of 3259 meters, offering a true test of endurance and skills. Starting from Glarus, you'll cross various highlights along the way, including Vorauen, Brüschbüchel, Gletschermühlen, Muotathal, Schwyz, Klein Mythen, Einsiedeln, and more. With its stunning landscapes, challenging climbs, and rewarding descents, this route is an epic gravel adventure for experienced riders. From breathtaking mountain views to picturesque villages, the highlights along the route offer a glimpse into the rich cultural and natural heritage of the region. Overall, this route promises a memorable and fulfilling gravel cycling experience for those seeking a true challenge.

Embark on a scenic road cycling adventure from Netstal to Mollis

85 km
617 m

This road cycling route covers a distance of 85 km with an ascent of 617 meters, taking you through some of the most picturesque landscapes in the region. Starting from Netstal, you'll pass through Galgenen, Lindenhof, Rüti ZH, Uznach, Biberlichopf, and finally reach Mollis. The route delights with its diverse highlights and stunning views along the way. With a moderate difficulty level, it is suitable for well-trained amateurs. Overall, this road cycling adventure offers a perfect blend of natural beauty and cultural attractions, making it a highly enjoyable experience for cycling enthusiasts.

Conquer the Swiss Alps

170 km
3329 m

Embark on an epic road cycling journey from Netstal, covering a distance of 170 kilometers with a challenging ascent of 3329 meters. This route takes you through the heart of the Swiss Alps, offering breathtaking views and thrilling descents. The difficulty level is rated 5, suitable for highly skilled cyclists. The epicness of this route is rated 5, providing an unforgettable and awe-inspiring experience. Highlights along the route include the picturesque Morgartenberg and the bustling city of Zurich.

Discover the stunning landscapes of Amden

140 km
2418 m

Embark on a challenging road cycling route from Netstal to Amden, covering a distance of 140 kilometers with an ascent of 2418 meters. This route takes you through picturesque valleys and serene countryside, offering breathtaking views of the Churfirsten mountain range. The difficulty level is rated 4, suitable for well-trained amateurs. The epicness of this route is rated 4, providing a thrilling and memorable experience. Highlights along the route include Amden, known for its scenic beauty and charming atmosphere, as well as the famous photo spot overlooking the seven Churfirsten peaks.

Embrace the off-road experience

47 km
101 m

Embark on an exciting gravel cycling route from Netstal, covering a distance of 47 kilometers with a manageable ascent of 101 meters. This route is perfect for gravel enthusiasts looking to explore the scenic countryside. The difficulty level is rated 2, suitable for amateurs. The epicness of this route is rated 3, offering a unique and diverse cycling experience. Highlights along the route include the picturesque Biberlichopf and the charming village of Schänis.

Explore the scenic landscapes of Glarus

84 km
1641 m

Embark on a road cycling adventure from Netstal, covering a distance of 84 kilometers with an ascent of 1641 meters. This route takes you through the picturesque region of Glarus, offering stunning mountain views and charming villages along the way. The difficulty level is rated 3, suitable for moderately skilled cyclists. The epicness of this route is rated 4, providing an exciting and rewarding experience. Highlights along the route include Glarus, known for its traditional Swiss architecture and Glarner specialties, as well as the scenic village of Amden.

A challenging road cycling route starting near Netstal that takes you through picturesque villages and stunning mountain scenery.

109 km
2999 m

This round-trip cycling route near Netstal offers a challenging ride with a total ascent of 2999 meters over 109 kilometers. The route takes you through beautiful landscapes, including Vorauen, Brüschbüchel, Roggenstöckli, Muotathal, Illgau, Ibergeregg, Unteriberg, Sattelegg, and Schübelbach. It is suitable for well-trained amateurs looking for a thrilling cycling adventure.


Netstal Loop

Ride through picturesque Swiss landscapes on this challenging road loop near Netstal.

105 km
1592 m

The Netstal Loop is a scenic and challenging cycling route that takes you through the beautiful landscapes of eastern Switzerland. Starting in the small town of Netstal, the route encompasses a variety of terrain, including rolling hills, mountain passes, and picturesque valleys. With a total distance of 105 kilometers and an elevation gain of 1,592 meters, this loop is suitable for well-trained amateur cyclists. The Netstal Loop offers a great combination of breathtaking natural beauty and challenging riding conditions, making it a popular choice among cyclists in the region.

Explore the gravel roads and stunning lakeside views around Mollis and Walensee.

85 km
2284 m

This 85 km gravel route offers a perfect blend of scenic gravel roads and picturesque lakeside views, taking you through beautiful landscapes and charming villages. Starting in Mollis, you'll pass highlights such as Walensee, Schnittlauchinsel (Chives Island), Chapfensee, Walenstadt, Raischibe, and Näfels. With a moderate difficulty level, it is suitable for experienced gravel riders. The route offers breathtaking views over Walensee, one of Switzerland's largest and most beautiful lakes. It also showcases the natural beauty of the region, with its serene lakes, lush meadows, and majestic mountains. Overall, this gravel cycling paradise promises an unforgettable experience for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts.

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Image of Glarus

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Image of Mollis

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Image of Ennenda

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Image of Näfels

Alpine road cycling paradise in Näfels, Switzerland.

Image of Oberurnen

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Image of Niederurnen

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Image of Schwanden

Scenic landscapes and access to famous cycling spots

Image of Bilten

Cycling through scenic landscapes in Ostschweiz

Image of Schänis

Road and gravel cycling in the Swiss Alps

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Image of Zürich

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