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Meilen - Durst - Zumikon - Föhrlibuck - Wallisellen - Rümlang - Chäferberg - Zurich - Küsnacht - Meilen

A gravel cycling route starting from Meilen

Discover the diverse landscapes around Meilen on this gravel cycling route, featuring picturesque villages, serene lakeside views, and impressive mountain panoramas.


Embark on a scenic gravel cycling adventure along this 78 km route near Meilen. With an ascent of 855 m, it offers a mixture of challenging climbs and scenic descents. Highlights include the charming village of Zumikon, the rugged beauty of the Föhrlibuck mountain, and the vibrant city of Zurich with its historic landmarks and cultural attractions.

78 km
855 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Meilen City center
Meilen: Discover the cycling paths and scenic beauty of Meilen.
Meilen is a cyclist-friendly locality located in the Zürich region of Switzerland. The town is known for its well-connected network of cycling paths that allows cyclists to explore the surrounding areas easily. The scenic beauty of Meilen makes it a great destination for road and gravel cyclists alike. One notable cycling spot in the vicinity is the Uetliberg, a mountain located just south of Meilen, which offers challenging climbs and breathtaking views. Whether you prefer leisurely rides along the lakeshore or more intense training sessions, Meilen has something to offer for all types of cyclists.
Begin your journey in Durst and enjoy the peaceful rural atmosphere of this small village.
Pass through Zumikon and take in the charming architecture and picturesque landscapes along the way.
Experience the beauty of the Föhrlibuck mountain and cycle through its rugged terrain with stunning panoramas.
Make a stop in Wallisellen and explore its unique mix of industrial heritage and modern development.
Cycle through Rümlang, a picturesque village with well-preserved traditional Swiss architecture.
Chäferberg571 mPeak
Visit Chäferberg and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and countryside.
Explore the vibrant city of Zurich and discover its many cultural attractions, including its historic old town, world-class museums, and bustling shopping streets.
Pass through Küsnacht and enjoy the serene lakeside views and the tranquility of this charming lakeside town.
Finish: Meilen City center
Meilen: Discover the cycling paths and scenic beauty of Meilen.