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Föhrlibuck Gravel Adventure

A gravel cycling route starting from Tann

Embark on a thrilling gravel adventure and conquer the scenic Föhrlibuck ascent.


Experience an adrenaline-fueled 70-km gravel adventure starting near Tann on the enthralling Föhrlibuck Gravel Adventure route. This challenging course takes you through stunning landscapes, including the captivating peaks of Stollen and Chilchberg. Grab your gravel bike and embrace the exhilarating climbs and rewarding descents while uncovering hidden gems along the way. Intermediate to advanced gravel enthusiasts will find themselves captivated by this epic gravel adventure.

70 km
780 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Dürnten Village center
Tann: Conquering Albispass and exploring picturesque cycling routes in Tann, Switzerland.
Tann is a locality located in Zürich, Switzerland. It is a cycling-friendly area with well-maintained roads and picturesque cycling routes. Tann's proximity to the Albispass, a well-known climb in Switzerland, makes it an attractive destination for cyclists. Cyclists can enjoy the challenging gradients and breathtaking views while riding through the beautiful Swiss landscapes. Overall, Tann offers great cycling opportunities with its scenic roads and access to famous climbs.
Pass through Bubikon and discover its fascinating historical buildings and charming atmosphere.
Stollen661 mPeak
Find serenity and solace in the enchanting and picturesque landscapes surrounding Stollen.
Küsnacht offers a small but delightful break along the route, with picturesque streets and stunning lake views.
Marvel at the towering altitude of Lindenhof, a haven for stunning vistas that mesmerize every cyclist.
As you conquer the ascent to Föhrlibuck, the unobstructed views of the Zürichsee are nothing short of awe-inspiring.
Volketswil boasts impressive agricultural landscapes and countryside charm on your gravel journey.
Wetzikon offers cyclists a quaint town center surrounded by idyllic nature and enchanting rural scenes.
Reach Chilchberg's superb vantage point and witness breathtaking panoramas of the surrounding landscapes.
Finish: Dürnten Village center
Tann: Conquering Albispass and exploring picturesque cycling routes in Tann, Switzerland.

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