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Culinary Road Adventure

En road cykelrute, der starter fra Fidenza

Explore the flavors of Emilia-Romagna on this road cycling route


Discover charming towns like Soragna and San Secondo Parmense as you pedal through picturesque landscapes. Enjoy the local culinary delights and learn about the rich gastronomic traditions of the region. With moderate ascent and a distance of 71 km, this route offers a perfect balance of physical challenge and cultural immersion.

71 km
132 m

Højdepunkter på ruten

Start: Fidenza City center
Fidenza: Lively cycling hub in Emilia-Romagna
Fidenza er en livlig by beliggende i Emilia-Romagna-regionen i Italien. Som cyklist vil du finde en række ruter at udforske, fra flade veje til udfordrende stigninger i Appenninerne. Fidenza er et ideelt udgangspunkt for cyklister og tilbyder adgang til kendte cykelstier som Passo di Mortirolo og Passo di Gavia.
Experience the culinary heritage of Soragna with its famous salami and cheese production.
San Secondo ParmenseLandsby
Visit the historical town of San Secondo Parmense and admire its medieval architecture.
Explore the quaint village of Roncopascolo and its idyllic surroundings.
Pass through Noceto and take in the beauty of the Parma countryside.
Finish the route in Fidenza, a town known for its gastronomic excellence.
Slut: Fidenza City center
Fidenza: Lively cycling hub in Emilia-Romagna